Jenna was nineteen and living in her own flat with her boyfriend of two years, Mike. Mike was 21. Jenna was a good looking girl, but she was short and very light. She had long blonde hair and bright blue eyes, and a body which was firm, toned and not particularly curvy.

jenna had a difficult and demanding job in a call centre which meant she couldn't spend much time at home. about a month ago Jenna's younger sister Jade had come to stay at the flat. Jade had been kicked out of their parent's house for sleeping with their mum's younger lover. Jade was just sixteen and the very epitome of the word minx. She was clever, cheeky, dirty, beautiful and calculating. at 5'8 she was 3 inches taller than her older sister and boasted a larger bust and more desireable body. her hair was shoulder length and dyed black, only the same blue eyes would tell you they were sisters.

at her young age jade had already led an active sex life with several partners, whereas Mike was Jenna's only sexual partner. Because of this and her model looks it was no surprise poor mike was worn down and seduced by his girlfriend's gorgeous younger sister. They now enjoyed regular sessions whilst Jenna was out working, utterly oblivious as to what her scheming little sibling was up to.

This all changed one morning however, when Jenna had been told she wouldn't be needed at work that day and could go home. That morning Jade had decided to dress up for Mike, and was wearing a tight black sleaveless top, a red and black pleated miniskirt and black knee-high boots, with killer heels.

Jenna walked into the flat to find mike handcuffed to the radiator in the bedroom and Jade draped over him in her sexy attire.

"What the @#%$ are you doing with my man?" Jenna almost screamed upon seeing this. Her long blonde hair was tied back in a neat ponytail and she was wearing a white blouse and knee-length black skirt. On her feet she wore 2" heeled black shoes. Mike was gagged down by the radiator, which left Jade to do all the explaining.

"Well, come on sis, what did you expect, it's about time the poor boy had someone who could please him." She stood over the bound Mike and stroked his face with her flawless black-painted fingernails.

"You little slut! How could you do this?" Jenna stormed, hurling her handbag at Jade. It struck her calf. She strode menacingly towards her smiling sibling.

"Don't bother sis, you know you'll get hurt." Boasted the cocky sixteen year old, putting her hands on her shapely hips.

"I'll teach you not to take other people's boyfriends you horrible slut!" Yelled Jenna, grabbing her sisters arms. Jade took Jenna's ponytail in one hand and pulled back on it hard. Jenna released her grip immediately. Jade punched her sister twice in the gut, kneed her hard on the thigh and then tossed her to the floor like a rag doll.

"When are you going to teach me my lesson then wimp?" Jade taunted her fallen sister. Jenna tried to leap back up but a well aimed blow from Jade's heel ensured she did not. She tried again and this time the toe of Jade's boot connected with Jenna's nose. there was a painful crunch and she hit the floor with a pained moan. Her nose began to bleed.

"Give it up Jenna, I'm better than you, at everything." Jade continued. Jenna looked up, her vision was somewhat blurred, but the adrenaline and anger ensured she remained conscious. "You heartless bitch, why are you doing this to me? what did I ever do to you?" Jenna whimpered. Jade stepped forwards and pinned Jenna's hands under her heels, forcing her to remain on all fours. Then she grabbed her sister's chin in her delicate fingers, making her look up at her.

"You really are utterly pathetic, aren't you?" She mused, looking at the immense pain her older sister was in, her hands being crushed under the heels of her merciless little sister. "If you apologise and let me keep mike here, i might let you off." she finished.

"No..." jenna whimpered, "Please stop Jade, please leave us alone, I'll do anything, I won't tell anyone about this. Please, you're hurting me." Jade laughed out loud at her sister's begging. "No...that's not what I asked is it wimp?" Jade replied coldly. she let go of her chin and pushed her head away, down to the ground, so jenna was held in an involuntary begging position.

"If you want your hands to still be working i suggest your lips have a little get together with my boots." Jade smiled, putting her hands on her hips, awaiting Jenna's grovelling apology. Mike was shouting something over by the radiator, but because of Jade's gag he could not be heard. meanwhile down at Jade's feet Jenna was using all her willpower not to give in to her cruel sister.

Jade coolly ground her right heel on Jenna's hand. Jenna screamed in pain. "Why are my boots still dry?" Enquired Jade, knowing her sister would crack sooner or later. She bent down and slapped jenna's pretty face hard. "Lick." she said sternly. her hands returned to her hips as Jenna reluctantly licked at the boots of her bitchy younger sister. she could not believe the situation she was in. Her sister had stolen her boyfriend, kicked her ass and all she could do in response was lick the toe-end of her boots.

Eventually Jade stepped off of her hands, which were now red raw. The right one was bleeding. "Now @#%$ off out of my flat wimp." Jade said sternly, pointing at the front door. "Go, unless you want seconds." Mike was yelling into his gag again. Jade strutted up to him and slapped his face. "Shut it you." she commanded. mike's muffled cries faded.

jenna had now staggered to her feet. "what are you still doing here?" Jade asked in exasperation. " can't make me leave my own flat. Please be reasonable jade." jenna pleaded to her heartless sibling.

"if you're still here in five seconds i'm going to slap you until you can't even spell your own name." Jade told her. Jenna decided she had no other option and braved another attack on Jade. The cocky 16 year old was caught off guard and Jenna managed to push her to the floor. Jade tried to push up but Jenna sat astride her and clamped her thighs over jade's arms. She grabbed Jade's hair in one hand. "you spiteful cow, i'll show you not to try and kick me out of my own home. The only one who's you." Jade kicked and struggled and it was getting harder for her smaller sibling to maintain her hold. then with a sly smile jade swung her legs up and got her booted feet around jenna's neck. With ease her strong legs powered Jenna to the floor.

Jenna struggled hard against this turn of events but to no avail as Jade climbed on top of her and sat on collar, straddling her pretty, bruised face, her black lacey knickers pressing against her chin. Jenna tried to move her arms but noticed they were buried hopelessly under Jade's calves.

"So i'm leaving, am I?" Jade laughed, getting her breath back. "Oh no..." whimpered Jenna, feeling her body being crushed by her younger sister's perfect thighs. "Don't worry Jenna, I've decided to let you stay." jade smiled, looking down into her sister's grieving face. "You can be my personal slave. how does that sound?" Jenna began to struggle but it was barely noticeable as she was dominated by her sister's legs. "I'll have you both chained to the radiator there, by the bed." Jade smiled down at Jenna, "And then whenever i click my fingers you will both lick my shoes, totally clean." she rested her pretty hands on her powerful thighs. "But first i need to make you more... willing."

Jenna wondered what she meant by this, but didn't have to wait long. her face was being bombarded by hard, open handed slaps. Each one stung and made her cry out. She could feel her will and resolve ebbing away with each slap. The bitchy Jade continued this for nearly twenty minutes. By the end Jenna was gasping. Jade stepped off of her, confident she had down enough, that no more resistance existed in side her wimpy older sister. She clicked her fingers and pointed at her boots. "Lick." She spoke. In seconds the weary Jenna was tonguing the slick black leather that adorned Jade's feet. As she did this Jade checked her fingernails, fortunately for Jenna they were still perfect after her slapping session. "stop." She clicked her fingers again. Jenna stopped licking immediately.

Jade sat her perfect rear on the bed and crossed her legs in the most elegant and feminine way possible. Click! "take off my boots." jenna unzipped and removed her sister's sexy knee-high boots and placed them gently on the floor next to the bed.

"Go on slave, help yourself to a good whiff of my feet." Jade laughed. The remorselessly-beaten submissive jenna leant in close and inhaled a strong dose of her sisters foot sweat. "How do they smell slave?" jade asked. "B-beautiful." Whimpered Jenna. "I do hope you're not lying to me sis." Jade grinned maliciously, "i think you'd better have another sniff to make sure." Jenna did not hesitate at all, the ruthless beating had left her helpless to Jade's will, she had been completely physically and mentally dominated and enslaved by her younger sister. She took a deep whiff and held back the gagging motion. "S-still smells good sis." She whimpered.

"Good for you." jade replied. "Clean them." She clicked her fingers, "Make sure you get in between my toes, i haven't done them for a couple of days." Jenna took jade's pretty toes in her mouth and obediently began to lick them. Going between Jade's toes was not a pleasent task at all. The sweat and toejam didn't go down well at all. After the third gap her eyes began to water, but she continued relentlessly. jade's commands were all that mattered to her. Jade wiggled her toes inside her sisters mouth, revelling in the total destruction of her older sister.

By the time jenna had finished the first foot she was in a terrible state. She looked almost too sick and weary to continue. Jade crossed her legs the other way, presenting her other foot. Click! "And again bitch." She spoke. It took jenna longer this time, the taste and the smell were destroying her senses, her battered face was turning white as her tongue journeyeed betyween her stronger sister's toes.

Finally, when it seemed she would pass out from the relentless abuse Jade clicked her fingers. "stop." with a huge sigh of relief jenna sank to the ground. Jade stood up and strutted the length of the flat.

"yes." she smiled. "I think i'm going to like it here."




It had been two days. two whole days Jenna had been handcuffed to the radiator in her own flat. After the conflict with her younger sister two days before she had been reuced to slave status. but Jade was out of the flat now, and Jenna's mind was on one thing an one thing only, how to get hold of that set of keys on the high shelf above her bed. She could never hope to reach them from where she had been handcuffed, even at full stretch, but there had to be some way.

"Yes." she sighed excitedly, spotting her now ex-boyfriends snooker cue under the bed. Jenna was still wearing her work clothes from two days ago that she was wearing when she was beaten into this state of submission by her sixteen year old sister, the blouse and knee length skirt. Jenna extended her right foot and managed to curl her toes aroundthe end of the snooker cue. The flesh coloured tights she was wearing made this tricky, and twice she lost her grip. She had polished her toenails baby-pink three days ago, but they now looked chipped and worn.

With immense concentration she pulled the five-foot snooker cue over to where she was crouched by the radiator. With unsurpassed glee she immediately picked up the cue and extended it over to the shelf, hooking the keys and allowing them to slide down to her. This was it, she was free!

Jenna knew Jade had gone to their parents house and that she would gone be at least an hour longer. She removed her work clothes and got changed into a tight strappy pink top and a denim mini skirt. After all, it looked quite warm outside.

Eventually, well over an hour later she heard the flat door open. jenna hid in the small kitchen and waited. Jade strutted down the hall as if she owned the place. despite being younger than jenna she was taller (especially in the expensive black 4" heeled sandals she was wearing) and boasted a larger chest. She was also wearing a short black skirt with a slit up the left thigh and a tight white sleaveless top.

Jenna allowed her to pass the kitchen and then silently jumped on her younger sister from behind, going for the surprise attack. Both the girls hit the floor and it didn't take Jade long to realise what had happened. the younger sibling grabbed Jenna's arms and sat on her chest, pinning her. Jenna could have screamed in frustration, it was over in seconds.

"You stupid slut, what do you think you're doing?" Jade scolded her older sister as she squirmed helplessly beneath her perfect ass. "Now i'm gonna have to punish you." But then jennamanaged to gain the upper hand. She swung her legs up and got Jade's neck traped between her bare feet. Jade gagged and grabbed her older sister's feet, trying to free herself. However there was plenty of strength in Jenna's legs and she rolled her sister over to the side and sat up. Next she grabbed Jade's luscious dyed hair and pulled her head towards her white lacy panties, clamping her pretty head between her smooth thighs.

Jade gasped, she was being crushed into oblivion by her sister's legs. She knew she wouldn't last long if Jenna didn't relax her grip, but she was helpless. "please, sis..." she gagged, her throat being crushed, "I'm s-sorry, please..." She whimpered. Jenna smiled and continued her assault, choking trhe strength out of the bitch, enjoying the way Jade's body was relaxing in defeat. "The tables have certainly been turned here, haven't they Jade?" Jenna beamed, "Now I can have you as my pretty little slave." With a desperate gasp Jade ceased struggling entirely. Jenna stood up and left her barely conscious sibling wheezing on the floor at her feet. She fetched the handcuffs from the radiator and a studded belt from her wardrobe. Using these two items she tied Jade's arms and legs tightly together and left her at the foot of the bed.

Jenna then poured herself a glass of water and sat down cross legged on the bed, her feet inches from Jade's face. She slapped her younger sister's cheek playfully with her left foot. "Wakey wakey sis, no sleeping on the job." She smiled. "You horrible little slut! Let me up!" Jade fumed, struggling uselessly against her tight bonds. Jenna foot-slapped Jade considerably harder. "Jade!" she saidm trying to sound angry, despite her good mood "I will not tolerate rudeness from my slave."

"I am not your...slave!" Jade growled, still struggling. Jenna extended her left foot amd pinched Jade's nose between her big and secon toe, sealing it and holding her head in place. "yes you are." Jenna smiled "You're my pretty little slave. Look, you've even dressed up all sexy for me." she toyed with Jade, moving her head from side to side, using just her foot.

Jade could no longer control her anger but was helpless against her restraints and totally at Jenna's mercy. A tear of frustration showed her helpless frustration. "Please let me go, please Jenna." She pleaded, her voice sounding strange with her nose being pinched.

"Nope." Jenna smiled, "You're my slave and you have to do what I tell you. So you can start by cleaining my feet with that long sexy tongue of yours."

Resigned to defest Jae waited until her nose was free and began licking her sister's foot. It didn't smell very pleasent and it was clear it hadn't been washed for three days. "Come on, do it properly." Jenna taunted her, "get between my pretty little toes. good girl." Jade nearly gulped in disgust as she placed her tongue into the gao by Jenna's baby toe, the taste of dirt and sweat and the smell was near unbearable.

"Swallow it, slave." Jenna grinned, seeing Jade suffering, "Swallow my toe-jam." She broke off, giggling. Using all of her willpower Jade performed this horrible task between all of her sister's toes, feeling more and more ill at each one. Each time she choked down whatever sweat and dirt she licked off, all the while looking up at Jenna's confident smiling face. Eventually she finished and lay her head dizzily on the floor. Jenna stood up and gently prodded her sister's cheek with her atrractive bare foot.

"I'm just getting a drink, don't you go anywhere sis..."




My name's Helen, I'm a fairly short (5'3") girl of 18 with shoulder length brown hair and a slim figure. This story is about a job I had working in a local bar. It was my first night but it wasn't overly busy so it only required one member of staff to work the bar, however there were two on duty.

The other barmaid was a woman called Julie, who had evidently been working there for a long time. ruth was a devastatingly sexy woman in her 30s (34 to be precise) who hadn't lost any of her beautiful figure with age. Her hair was anatural sort of dark blonde and it was a fair bit longer than mine. I'd say she was probably 5'7" in height but her thick 3" sandals ensured she towered me in my flip flops. I hadn't been sure how to dress for my job so I had covered up a bit in blue jeans, a plain black top and the aforementioned flip flops. I never bothered painting my nails, and tonight was no exception.

Julie was wearing unfeasibly tight black trousers with thin white lines descending vertically. they did nothing to conceal the wonderous shape of her firm, toned legs and perfect ass. She also wore a low cut black top, tantalising the sparse clientele with her firm 34DD chest. The look was completed with a thick rubbery looking pair of 3" high sandals. Her well trimmed (no doubt manicured) toenails and fingernails were painted silver and on closer inspection appeared to be glittery. Stood next to Julie, despite being almost half her age I was completely overshadowed by the confident babe. This I could live with however, it was her attitude I could not.

All night she had been very rude as we worked together. She was ordering me around and generally acting like she owned the place (which, of course she didn't). At the end of the night when all the customers were gone and we were the only two people left in the bar, cleaning up I said to her:

"Have I done something to upset you, Julie?" I was genuinely curious, I did not want to make enemies at my new place of work.

"Well, Helen is it?" She sort of sneered, the sneer not at all ruining her pretty, sultry features "You know how sometimes you get people you just don't like, well - you're one of those people. Sorry babe."

I stared at her in disbelief. "Well in that case, I'm not working here, I don't need this." I said angrilly, and I made a beeline for the exit. Jlie however, stepped in front of me.

"no, you can't leave." She smiled, "then the boss would wonder why you quit, and that would mean trouble for me."

"So?" I said, trying to edge past her.

"So..." She replied, and then swiftly without warning her fist crashed into my gut. With a feeble wheeze I sunk to all fours, my hands contacting the dirty floor behind the bar. "...You will have to do as I say" She finished.

I tried to catch my breath. It just wouldn't come, my insides burned and still I could not breathe, there was no way i could stand back up and face her in this state. I tried to relax and concentrate but the pain was too much. The confident bitch made the situation more humiliating for me by lifting my head to face her by pressing her toes to the bottom of my chin.

"all that will happen is you will learn to respect me and you will continue to work here, like a good little girl." She smiled wickedly, looking down at my weary head as it balanced on her foot. "Do you understand me?"

I wanted to tell her no, I wanted to tell her where she could stick it, but trying to speak brought back the terrible burning feeling of trying to breathe. Gradually air was coming back into my lungs now, but I was still shocked and weakened from the blow, and Julie knew it. She removed her foot and I sank onto the floor, face down. I put one hand either side of my head and tried to push myself up in a press-up position.

"Tell you what babe." She said to me, as if she was being reasonable "Kiss my feet and apologise and I won't beat the living @#%$ out of you."

"No." I managed to say it, "No way bitch, @#%$ you." And with that i gained a sudden burst of energy and sprang uneasily to my feet. Julie aimed a backhand at me. I grabbed her wrist and stopped it, then i grabbed her waist and we both hit the ground. We rolled from left to right, grabbing each other and trying to gain control. Unfortunately her size advantage and age meant I was no real match for her. Within minutes I was lying on my back and Julie was sat on my collarbone, straddling my head with her perfect thighs in a crushingly inescapeable schoolgirl pin.

I tried to move my hands but my wrists were secured under her knees and I was trapped helplessly. Julie flicked her hair behind her head and then delivered a deft slap to my face.

"For that you are gonna be severely punished girl." She told me menacingly, though without losing her sexy calm.

"" i said desperately. I tried with all my strength and spirit to sit up but it simply would not happen, I was no match for this bitch. As i squirmed beneath her she lifted her left leg up. Before i could move however she grabbed my left wrist in her left hand and held it easily to the floor. Then she slid her pretty size 6 foot from her sandal and kicked it aside. I watched helplessly and she placed her foot on my face.

"Now you can kiss my @#%$ feet bitch." she told me. I tried to turn my head away, but julie had an answer to everything. She pinched my nose between her big toe and the one next to it. Then she formed a seal over my mouth with the bottom of my foot. I was completely unable to breath.

"you like that bitch?" She asked me sweetly. I closed my eyes, trying not to show her the pain and distress she was causing me. Still holding my face with her foot she moved my head slowly left to right, showing off her power.

"When I let you breathe Helen, you are going to get a nice whiff of my sweaty feet." She told me. My legs were starting to kick out behind her in desperation as I was starved of oxygen by her well maintained size 6 foot. "And you'd better be greatful. Take a deep sniff, then say thank you. If I'm not happy we'll do this all over again, do you understand?" Then using her foot to control my head, she made me nod. She grinned at her own handiwork.

When was she going to let me breath, everything was starting to go quiet and my eyesight was going. How long did the older woman think I could survive under her merciless foot? Fianlly, when all seemed loss she unclamped my nose and raised her smooth foot a centimetre above my face. Whether I wanted to or not I took in a massive gulp of air, and with it came the sweaty stench of a foot that had just seen seven hours of strutting behind a hot bar. I grimaced at it.

"Say thank you." She said sweetly but firmly, as I reacted to the smell. I rerally didn't want to, but I'm not stupid, and I could see I was at her mercy, so i obeyed.

"Th-thank you." I said unconvincingly.

"That's not good enough you little slut." She told me. Then she slammed the heel of her foot hard into my face, bruising it. Before I could even finish saying "ow" she had repositioned my nose between her toes and sealed my mouth completely with the bottom of her foot. She subjected me to another session and eventually released when I appeared upon the verge of unconsciousness.

"You not what to do girlie." she told me. This time I was not so unconvincing.

"Thank you Julie." I said, trying to sound as genuinely greatful as I possibly could.

"Excellent." She beamed. "And now, being as you like my feet so much, you can lick them clean." I groaned, surely she was not serious? But apparently she was. Deadly serious. I didn't obey at first but another sharp kick and smother session saw me licking the bottom of her foot like an obedient puppy. And whenever I had finished the bitch would simply rub her wet foot on the grimy floor of the bar and have me start over.

"You really are pathetic, you know that?" She told me as my tongue ran accross the bottom of her foot, collecting the thin layer of dirt and spilled alcohol from the bottom of her smooth foot. After what seemed like days, but was in fact only an hour and a half Julie finally switched feet. The whole ordeal began again with her right foot. First the sniff, then the obedient "Thank you Julie", then the hour long cleaning. When I had finally finished my poor young tongue was dry and scratched.

"Right, you feisty little slut." She told me, now that I was well and truly subdued "You are now my little bitch, understand?"

"yes Julie." I said in a monotone. It wasn't that I wanted to be her "little bitch", it was just that she had broken me completely, and I knew of no other way.

She then stood up, releasing me. She walked out from behind the bar, careful to tread on my stomach as she did.

"Follow me bitch." She clicked her pretty, manicured fingers. I jumped up and followed at her heels like a lapdog. She sat herself down on a bar stool and lit up a cigarette. She crossed her gorgeous legs and dangled her prety feet mere inches from my bruised and worn face.

"Suck my toes now bitch." She commanded in a sweet voice. I heard her take a puff on her cigarette as I tokk her toes in my mouth and began to suck. The glitter on her silver nail polish scratched my already dry mouth and tongue. She wiggled her toes in my mouth as she spoke to me.

"I'm glad we've had this little chat bitch. Now you know where we stand, you will not leave, you will not tell any one what happened here tonight. Understand?" I couldn't reply with her cute toes in my mouth so I nodded instead.

"Good girl." She patronised me "I think I am going to enjoy our working relationship." She smiled evilly.




Jenny was wearing a sleaveless white top and unfeasibly tight light blue jeans which only reached her calves

as the turn-ups were folded up. She kicked off her flip flops and her light blue glittery toe-nails glinted in the

light of the room. I was ready for her in my karate gear, i had been looking forward to this challenge for the

last two weeks. Jenny was cocky, too much for my liking. With her long flowing blonde hair, bright blue

eyes and short stature (only 5'3") i thought this 16 year old would be easy to beat. She had ridiculed me

every lesson since i started at this dojo and when i confronted her about it she got a lucky kick in on my

groin and i dropped. But now we were alone, and no such luck would save her.

"Hi Dan". She beamed at me, letting her second flip flop dangle from her foot for a moment before dropping

it onto the mat. "Oh I'm not getting changed, i don't have enough time - plus I can kick your ass in jeans

anyday. First to ten wins, OK?"

Right, i thought, i'll show her! I rushed at the cocky bitch and grabbed her arms, i span and tried to throw

her to the floor. However Jenny spread her legs between mine and my feet left the flor. with a graceful hip

twist she threw me over onto my back. As i tried to get up she grabbed my throat with one hand and

slammed the palm of the other hand into my nose, knocking me into a daze.

"One point." she giggled, letting me go and stepping away. I stood up and shook the dizziness from my

head. The anger returned and I rushed at her again. I knew she was a girl but being soft wasn't going to win

me this match. I aimed a punch at her chest, which she blocked with both wrists, trapping my hand. then she

pulled me to my knees and span around so she faced away from me. As i fell she kicked out behind her and

her smooth foot struck my face, sending me to the floor and nearly into unconscioussness.

"Two points." She said. I lay there, trying to catch my breath. I was enraged that she had nearly knocked me

out so quickly, I couldn't even get up now.

"Had enough?" I heard her chirpy voice from somewhere above. I climbed groggily to my hands and knees,

looking up at her. She lifted her right leg and put her toes under my chin, sterring my head so i was looking

straight into her eyes. "just give up, save yourself the trouble." She fluttered her eyelashes at me. I found

new strength through her taunting and jumped up. I aimed an uppercut for her as i rose but the bitch saw it

coming, jumped back and kicked me straight in the chest. I flew backwards and rolled a couple of times

accross the mat, coming to a stop on all fours several feet away.

"Three points." she reminded me in her annoying voice. I got to my feet. Running at her clearly wasn't

working. I got into a stance and walked towards her slowly. I aimed a sudden kick for her waist. She

sidestepped it kicked out my other leg (the one i was standing on), causing me to fall. As i tried to get up she

aimed a fast toe kick to my mouth, flattening me on the mat.

"Four." She breathed, holding up four fingers to me. I coughed and felt a trickle of blood run down my chin.

I tried to get up but my head hurt. Jenny stepped over me and sat down heavilly on my chest, straddling my

prone body. She dipped one finger in the small trail of blood and put it in my mouth.

"Taste that." She breathed, quite sexilly, as if she was really enjoying this. I tasted my blood on her finger, it

was awful. She took it out and ran it along my forehead. I couldn't believe i was being toyed with by this

little girl. I tried to get up but i was weakened by her assault and she was pretty strong in the leg department

as well.

In the end she ruffled my hair and then stood up, letting me up. I got shakilly to my feet. How could I

survive six more rounds with this evil little slut. I tried a surprise elbow before i'd finished standing. Jenny

grabbed it though, stepped right next to me so my head was on her left shoulder and showed off her flexible

body was by lifting her leg right up to her shoulder and kicking my face. I dropped to my knees.

"Five." She grinned. I stood up again. This time before I was even in a stance Jenny punched my face twice,

span around and delivered a hard elbow to my chin which sent me onto my back.


I got up as quickly as i could but i was on the floor seconds later thanks to an expery toe kick to the throat. I

curled up in a ball, crying in pain as i tried to catch my breath.

"Seven." Jenny put her hands on her knees and bent down to look at me. "Are you alright Dan?" She said in

mock sympathy. She prodded my face with her foot. I got up again, holding my throat. My left eye was

swollen from her elbow earlier, i could feel it.

I aimed another punch at Jenny. This time she grabbed my wrist, pulled me down a little and then kicked my

head twice with the same leg, letting mt heand go on the second kick so i hurled towards the floor with a


"Eight, had enough yet?" She laughed, folding her slender arms. I summoned up every ounce of strength i

had left for my next assault. I shot straight at her from my position on the floor. Jenny jumped back though

and grabbed my hair, diverting my assault. I ploughed forwards and Jenny stopped my movement by claming

my head between her thighs. She stood up straight and put her hands on her hips. I grabbed her thighs and

tried pulling them apart. I couldn't move them at all,i felt pathetic.

"For my ninth point I'm gonna drop down and just toally smash your face up with my ass, is that alright with

you?" Jenny asked, looking over her shoulder at me as i struggled weakly between her denim clad thighs. I

struggled a bit harder but there really was no point. Ten seconds later Jenny made good her promise and sat

down hard. I felt my face crushed on the floor. I opened my eyes and saw her feet either side of my face, her

perfectly firm ass was resting on my face, i could only breath through my nose.

"Nine." She said, looking behind her to check the damage. "look at you, i thought we'd save the ass-kissing

till after the fight."

I tried to shout abuse at her but i was muffled under her denim clad backside. She then shimmied right back

so her ass completely covered my face and i couldn't see or breathe.

"But we might as well do it now if you can't wait." She giggled. I shouted into her firm ass but it was no

good at all. It just came out quiet and muffled. My arms swateed the ground uselessly by her sides.

She kept me there for a good five minutes before re-introducing me to fresh air. But that was only for a brief

few seconds before she sat back down. She was clealry enjoying herslef as she repeated this several times,

with the length of each smother increasing slighlt each time. After i had gone what felt like ten straight

minutes without air she climbed off of me, leaving me gasping on the ground. She stepped away laughing to


I got up and faced her. She looked at me and said in a flirty tone "I just nearly killed you with my ass and

you want more?" I moved towards her but half way through my first step the sole of her foot connected to

my jaw and i was knocked into a trance. As i swayed on the spot Jenny finished the job with a jumping

roundhouse kick. I dropped to the floor and landed face down, gazing accross the mat in a zombie like


"And...ten!" Jenny beamed, skipping over to me in delight. She stopped with her feet less than two inches

from my face.

"Right, kiss my feet loser." She said. I tried to protest but i was too weak and my spirit was completely

broken. i obediently rolled over and kissed her soft, smooth feet. She lifted her toes delicately.

"Suck on my toes." she guided me, i obeyed, my will completely destroyed by the cocky sixteen year old.

Her toenails tasted and felt rough, i assumed this was the glitter. Her feet were obviously clean but she'd

worked up a bit of a sweat in the fight and licking between her toes was less than pleasent.

"Have we learned a lesson here?" She smiled sweetly.

"Yes Jenny." I gasped at her feet.




Martin was a geek. There was no nice way of saying it. he wasn't te

ugliest guy in the world but he kept himself to himself, preferring

the company of his computer to that of human beings. He despised

physical activity of all kinds.

During his school years he had suffered monstrous abuse from a bully

called Georgina. Georgina wasn't overly attractive, but she had a

great body and a real sexy confidence about her. Although Martin

never found her attractive becuase of the hell she put him through

all those years.

Several years on, just prior to Martin's 18th birthday, he started a

job at a cafe, washing up in the kitchen there. However to his shock

he found that Georgina worked there. An, even worse, she had been

there for nearly four years and was the assistant manager.

He only saw her a couple of times during his first week, and there

was always someone around so she never said a word to him.

However monday of his second week it was near the end of the shift.

He was just wiping down the sides in the kitchen when he heard the

loud banging of sandals on the hard floor. He looked up. At 17 there

was no denying Georgina was now gorgeous, a pretty, yet bitchy sort

of face which was flanked by perfectly cobed black hair, a wonderful

curvy body, beautiful legs and pretty size 5 or 6 feet which were

not at all concealed by her strappy two-inch sandals.Her toenails

were painted light blue.

Martin had discovered over the years he had a bit of thing for girls

feet, and his eyes lingered on Georgina's for a while, perhaps too


"What are you looking at?" She said sternly.

"N-nothing." He said, turning quickly away. But she stalked towards

him and shoved him against the sink.

"Don't lie to me you freak." She said aggressively.

"Please...I don't want any trouble..." He stammered, cornered by the

sink. Georgina then grabbed his throat. She was a little shorter but

Martin's lack of confidence made him an easy target. She squeezed

his windpipe under her light blue painted fingernails. He bent his

head back and closed his eyes in pain.

"Nothing's changed, has it Martin?" She said casually, "You're still

the same old wimp. I think you should find yourself another job,

don't you."

He choked and slumped against the sink, losing breath, but too

scared to fight back.

"No answer? Think you're tough do you?" He choked again but no words

came out.

In desperation he grabbed her wrist and tried to pull her hand free.

In response Georgina kicked his shin hard, then kneed him twice in

the groin. As he doubled over she grabbed his hair. He got hold of

her knees and tried to push her away but he did not have the

strength. In one cruel move she lifted her right leg up, her

knee-length black skirt sliding back to reveal one of the thighs

that were the desire of every adolescent boy in town and brought her

heel down on Martin's neck. He crumpled and fell under her foot.

"Stay down you @#%$." Georgina put her hands on her hips and dug her

sandal into the back of his neck, he squirmed pitifully on the floor

but could not get up.

Georgina observed his feeble struggling for a little while until he

gave up and decided to lie still.

"Had enough?" She asked flatly.

"Please...I'll quit...whatever, just get off me." He begged from

below her.

"Yeah right." She laughed, sitting down on his back and putting her

feet either side of his head, "I'm gonna have a little play first."

She took his wrists in her hands and then slid her feet out of her

sandals, delicately kicking them aside. With one foot she

intertwined her sexy flexible toes into Martin's hair and pulled his

head to the side so he was facing her other foot.

"See, I've sussed out what you like about me." She grinned, and she

wiggled her toes teasingly, just inches from his face. Whilst

keeping a steady grip on his wrists.

"There's nothing I like about you." He lied "I hate you, you've

never liked me."

"Don't tell lies little boy." And she teased him further by brushing

his lips with her toes before moving her foot out of reach again. He

closed his eyes and shivered with pleasure.

"See, you love it." She said, her voice becoming very sexy and

suggestive. "And you want more." This time she placed her toes on

his forehead and ran them slowly down his face. Upon reaching his

mouth she used her big toe under his top lip to guide his mouth

open. Without realising he closed his eyes in pleasure and stuck out

his tongue. Again though she withdrew her foot. His tongue tasted

air for a few seconds then he opened his eyes and looked deeply


"Are you sure you don't like my foot?" She said, her voice remaining

sexy. "Seems to me like you're gagging for it."

"No, no I'm not, let me go." He struggled a bit under her firm ass.

She squeezed his captive wrists with her blue fingernails and yanked

his head back with her foot. His struggling was quelled after only a

few seconds.

Again she teased his mouth with her toes, going in and out, avoiding

his tongue evry time. His licks were getting more feverish and

desperate. Below her she could feel his body quiver with the

hypnotic lust she was inspiring in him. She adored the way he was so

desperate just to taste her foot.

This time when she stopped Martin did not lie still. Georgina could

feel his head straining, although she head him easilly with his hair

all wrapped up in her lovely toes. He opened and closed his mouth

"Want it, do you?" She asked, as if she didn't know the answer.

"P...please." His groaning voice was barely audible, drool slid from

his mouth as he head shook in her tight grip. She smiled in


"Look at you, just a slave to my foot." She mused. She wiggled her

toes at him again, "Come and get it little boy." He strained harder

than ever but again she held him easilly. His face grew red and his

breathing was now fast and shallow, he stared hypnotically at the

only thing that mattered to him now, Georgin's foot.

"Remember all the @#%$ I put you threw at school?" Georgina

reminisced, "Like when I tied you up in that tennis net and kicked

you in whilst you were stuck on the floor? Or when i pushed your

head down the toilet and stood on it?"

Martin did not reply, but merely continued his fruitless attempts to

get to her foot.

"You must hate me, tell me you don't like my feet and I'll stop,

just tell me that." She smiled, she knew he'd never say that now,

she wiggled her toes again, enjoying the way his eyes lit up and his

struggling increased a little.

"P-please...i...lied...please...foot." He slavered, under the spell

of her perfect feet.

"Look at you you freak, I told you, didn't I?" She exclaimed in

delight. "Gagging for it, come on Martin, beg for my feet."

"Please, please, I must...have your...feet...please Georgina." He

begged her. She jabbed at his face with her toe, again his tongue

darted out but cought only air.

"Beg some more, I like it." She said calmly.

"Please, I'm begging you, you're gorgeous...please Georgina." He


"So you don't hate my feet anymore then?" She smiled down at him.

"N-no Georgina...I love the...I want you foot more...than

anything...please...I can't handle this...anymore." He shook as he


"Are you in love with my foot?" She giggled.

"Yes Georgina, I love your foot...please stop teasing me." He made

another vain attempt to move towards it.

"Do you want to suck on my foot?" She giggled some more.

He could hardly contain himself. Georgina knew he would burst soon.

And she loved it. The power over this useless dweeb was giving her

such a rush. Although she remained ever calm on the outside.

"Okay, enough." She said, and she jammed his face between her feet,

rubbed it for a few seconds and then pulled away. He came under her,

thrusting at the floor. She then stood up, slid her feet back into

their sandals, straighten her skirt over her gorgeous legs and

walked away, laughing.

Lying on the floor, Martin was drowning in a deep sense of shame and

humiliation. He would never return to the cafe.




Karen was a fairly attractive 19 year old girl. she played hockey for a hobby and was quite popular, unlike her younger brother Martin.

She was sat on the couch one afternoon in a short pair of green shorts and a white t-shirt. Her nice long legs were on show, as were her attractive feet in a pair of flipflops. Her younger brother came in, looking unhappy. He would not say what the problem was, and remained quiet for days. However by the end of the week she found out. An old enemy from school, a girl called Georgian, had bullied him at work and caused him to quit in disgrace. He did not go into details but he'd said enough. Karen wanted to kick this girls ass!

In blue denim hotpants, clean trainers and a thin white t-shirt Karen stormed down to the cafe where her brother had previously worked. Her long blonde hair was tied back in a tight ponytail. She had found out from Martin when Georgina would be alone, as she was the assistant manager or something.

Sure enough, on arrival there was one girl, sat alone at a table counting money. She tried the large glass front door, it was locked.

The girl stood up and walked to the door, bending down to unlock it. She was a very attractive girl, with a natural air of confidence about her. She was wearing a smart white bloused, unbuttoned in a sexy yet professional manner. Also she wore a tight black knee-length skirt and those 2-inch black sandals.

"You Georgina?" Karen asked her curtly, folding her arms under her lerge, round breasts.

"Yeah, why?" Georgina asked her suspiciously. Karen was a few inches taller, even in trainers.

"My brother worked here last week, and for some reason he quit. Any idea why?" Karen said, walking past Georgina and into the empty cafe.

"Ooh, you're Martin's sister, no way." Georgina beamed. She closed the door and locked it. "Yeah, i know Martin alright."

Karen walked up and grabbed Georgina by the shoulders with her hands.

"You little bitch! What did you do to him!" Karen said, losing her patience with the cocky 17 year old. But she did not notice Georgian reach behind her. Within seconds Karen had a knife pressed agaibst her throat, whilst Georgina's other hand grabbed her hair.

"Let go of me, yeah?" Georgina hissed, leaning her face right next to Karen's, who was looking suddenly scared. Georgina pressed the flat of the blade against Karen's chin. "Now, be a good girl, and get down on your knees."

Karen put her hands in the air and sank obediently to her knees. Still holding her hair Georgina looked left to right, before dropping the knife a few feet away. Next she kneed Karen inthe throat and let her go. Karen dropped to her hands and knees, wheezing for air.

"Now, I'll tell you all about what I did to Martin." Georgina laughed, in fact, I'll show you."

Karen was still coughing down near the ground. A hot fiery pain burned at her throat, choking her. That knee to the windpipe had disabled her. In fury she scratched Georgina's bare ankles with her sharp nails. Georgina calmly walked behind her, lifted her leg and slammed the side of her foot into Karen's ass. Karen sprawled head first into the wall and dropped flat on her face.

"Did I say you could touch me?" Georgina asked her. Karen tried to curse her, but when she spoke it increased the pain in her throat tenfold. Before she could even start to get back up Georgina sat on her back and placed her feet either side of Karen's head. She picked her wrists in her slender hands and softly dug her nails in to keep a good grip on her fesity opponent.

Karen regained her strength and began to struggle in fury but there was no dismounting Georgina, who found the whole scene highly amsuing. Eventually Karen's futile, if admirable struggling came to a halt. She lied still under the 17 year old, breathing hard.

"Sorry, didn't catch your name?" Georgina told her with a smile.

"Get off me...bitch." Karen managed to choke out, though the effort brought her near to tears.

"Very well, if you must be disobedient." Georgina said, trying to sound angry, although she was clearly enjoying herself. "Let me show you exactly what i did to Martin. I started off sat on him, just like this. He wasn't struggling of course. Well, not to start with."

Georgina slid her amazing soft feet from her sandals, her toenails had been repainted the same shade of light blue.She then pulled out Karen's ponytail. Georgina lifted her right foot and slid it through her opponents hair, catching it tight between her toes. Her heel was resting on Karen's neck.

"See my foot, little girl?" Georgina taunted her captive opponent, indicating her free foot, which Karen was now unwillingly staring at.

"Urgh...I'm not...little...cough...girl" Karen seethed. Then she gulped from the sharp pain in her throat.

"Yes. Yes you are." Georgina told her. "You are a silly little girl and I will teach you to mess with big girls like me. How old are you, little girl?"

"Urgh...19...bitch!" Karen tried another bout of struggling but it not last long, in fact Georgina didn't even have to move before it stopped again.

"Nineteen, I'm seventeen and i'm kicking your ass." Georgina laughed. "I'm holding your head with my foot, you're like a puppet."

Karen strained a bit against Georgina's foot, but of course she could go nowhere. She was fuming at being at the mercy of this cocky teenager who desperately needed to be taught a lesson.

"It's no good struggling little girl." Georgina grinned, "You'll go when i'm done. First though, ou will kiss my foot."

"No way!" Karen gasped. "Get off me!"

Georgina gave a little tug on her prisoners hair, bending her head back painfully. "Pucker up when you're ready little girl."

Karen was fighting the pain. She had closed her eyes in deep concentration. This awful girl hurt and humiliated her brother. She was not going to kiss her feet.

Unfortunately Georgina had no intention of giving up. She was relaxed, even comfortable s shoulders, her head clasped in her foot. At last the pain was too much. Karen squealed out.

"Ow! Stop! Please, I'm sorry. Let me go!" She yelled, coughing violently afterwards.

"Pucker up little girl, you're going nowhere." Georgina said cruelly.

"No...anything but that...please...please" Karen whimpered below the bully.

"Pucker up, or carry on suffering. It's up to you bitch." Georgina told her.

It was only a matter of seconds before she lost her nerve and resolve. She puckered up snd closed her eyes in shame.

"Good girl." Georgina smiled, rubbing her gorgeous toes softly over Karen's puckerd lips, "Taste that, I win, little girl."

The mixture of shame and utter frustration caused Karen to start crying softly. "please...I'm so sorry, you win, please let me go." She begged, as the tears flowed.

"Your tears will not help you." Georgina declared."You're gonna do something your stupid little brother would have begged to do. You're going to clean my toes for me, with your tongue."

Karen was still crying, she said nothing. How could anyone be so cruel.

"Do you want to clean my toes, little girl?" Georgina asked her.

"" Karen stammered, hoping she would be spared if she behaved.

Holding her head back again so her mouth opened on it's own, Gerogina slid her toes in past Karen's teeth and onto her tongue.

"Start licking little girl." Georgina told her. "Suck on the feet that I used to destroy your brother."

Crying more Karen obeyed and began running her tongue over and between Georgina's toes. The taste was horrible. Although Georgina clearly washed regularly there was strong pungent sweat, particulalrly between Georgina's pretty toes.

"Martin begged to suck on my feet, I had him gagging for it." Georgina boasted as Karen sucked on her foot. "And you're no better, anyone who fucks with me has to suck on my feet."

Karen gagged slightly as she came accross a tiny bit of grit on Georgina's big toe.

"I like the way you're standing up for your brother. I can't wait till he hears that i turned you into my little slut instead." Georgina laughed out loud. And stop crying, I told you you were a little girl, didn't I?" Georgina slapped Karen's face.

After having her toes done Karen was made to keep her tongue stuck out whilst Georgina ran her foot all over it, giggling with pleasure as she went. Poor Karen's tongue was as dry as sandpaper when Georgina let her put it back inside her mouth.

"Now, say sorry." Georgina replied, "And I'll let you go."

"I'm sorry, Georgina." Karen moaned.

"What are you, bitch?" Georgina asked.

"I'm...a little...uh...g-girl." She replied in deep shame.

"Congratulations. I've let you live." Georgina told her, then she lent aside and picked up the knife from earlier on. She pressed the cold flat side against Karen's pretty cheek. "But cross me again and I'll @#%$ kill you alright, you know I can do it, you know who's the best."

"Yes Georgina." She murmered pitifully.

"My feet totally rock." Georgina said, looking down at her free foot and wiggling her toes delightedly. "I've totally destroyed two people with them now. Say 'thank you' to my feet little girl."

"Th-thank you." Karen cried softly again. "You're feet are beautiful."

"Good girl." Georgina laughed softly as she let her up. "Good girl."

As Georgina wathed her victim walk away she locked the door again. "I really am the best." She thought confidently. "If anyone else wants to try it, bring it on."




It had been a good month since Georgina had demolished Karen in the

cafe where she worked, and it did not surprise her that she had seen

nothing of that weak slut or her geeky brother, they were probably

scared, avoiding her.

Something Georgina did (and enjoyed) on a weekly basis was her

football (soccer to you Americans) practice. She was part of a local

all girl team, and was very fit as well as being a talented player.

It was a cold but fairly dry day when she finished practice, she had

work later, but that was a late shift, so there was no rush to get

changed, as was sometimes the case. She left the ground as it was

growing dark, still wearing her thin white football shirt, small

dark green shorts, thick dark green and white football socks and

muddy black trainers.

No more than two streets from the football ground Georgina saw a

male figure walking just ahead of her, she concealed her squeal of

delight at who it was, Martin, the geek she had driven out of her

work place the moth before. She quickened up her pace, but quietly

as not to attract too much attention, until she was level with her


"Hey Martin." She said, putting her arm around his waist and pulling

him close as if they were best friends. Martin gulped, but he was

too scared to pull away.

"I saw your sister a little while ago, did she say?" Georgina asked

him playfully, she squeezed his side with her hand.

"Um...yeah..." He said, his voice trailing off.

"You sent her after me, didn't you?" She said, her tone hardening a

little, she made him stop, letting go and stepping a foot away to

face him. "Too bad for you I kicked her ass."

" wonder she wouldn't tell me what happened." he said, his

head hanging lowly. "What do you...want Georgina?"

"I want you to apologise for wasting my time, i had to redo my hair

and my nail polish after i crushed that slut." She told him.

"Um...sorry Georgina." He mumbled, making to walk on. But she

stepped up and blocked him with her shoulder.

"You call that an apology." She said sternly.

"please...I'm sorry. please don't start." He pleaded with her.

"Why not?" She laughed, "Cause you know I'll kick your ass."

"Maybe, maybe not, just leave me alone." He said, feeling hot and


"Maybe not? You @#%$, you're nothing." She said, and she slapped his


"I hate you!" He yelled and he grabbed her wrists, trying to push

her down. Georgina was taken aback and had to struggle a bit against

the surprise attack, but his puny strength was not difficult to

master, she soon regained her footing and forced him to let go by

pulling him down and slamming her bare knee into his throat.

"Ooh, you're getting feisty." She laughed, quickly checking her

fingernails for damage as Martin collapsed onto his hands and knees,

clutching his throat. He looked up at her, he was incensed. He stood

up fast and lunged at the bitch with all his strength. Georgina

calmly grabbed his forearms and used her hip to propel Martin right

over and onto his back in a judo throw. He hit the floor hard and

gasped. She had winded him.

"Give it up Martin, I told you you're nothing." She laughed, and she

sat down on his chest, enjoying him wheeze as her beautiful ass

pressed his ribs in against his lungs. Georgina rested her hands on

her knees and placed her feet either side of her victims head.

Martin tried really hard to sit up, Georgina could tell by the way

his head and neck lifted off the ground, but she would only allow

him to rise a few inches before gently prodding his cheek with the

toe of her trainers to make him drop again.

"Ok." He whimpered. "I'm so sorry Georgina, can we please just get

this over with, I...can't beat you."

Georgina ignored him, softly humming a tune as she pulled one of the

laces right out of her left trainer. She put his wrists together

behind his head and tied them tightly together. "Ow!" He exclaimed

as the lace cut softly into his skin.

"Looks like you're not going anywhere just yet, so just be patient."

She told him, then she put the toe of her trainer on the back of

theother one to lever it off. Using the sock covered toes of her

free foot she wedged the other trainer off in the same way so she

was sat there in here green and white knee-length football socks.

"" Martin groaned, guessing what this powerful bodied bitch

had in mind for him.

"What's the matter Martin?" She smirked, and she hovered her right

foot six inches above his face, wiggling her toes as if to wave. "I

thought you were into my feet. You begged for them last time,


"'re lying..." He said, but they both knew he was the one

who was lying. In fact since she had made him beg for her foot the

last time Martin had spent weeks repalying the scene in his mind,

and had masturbated feverishly whilst thinking of Georgina, he still

hated her, but how could anyone not be overcome by her staggering

overconfidence and sexy appearance.

"Oh, i'm lying am I?" She said casually, and she rested her foot on

his face, her toes just covered his eywa, the ball of her foot

brused his chin. The stench of sweat from her football practice was

absolutely overpowering and he even coughed loudly in involuntary

protest. But of course her foot on his face also stirred that deep

rooted lust in him again, so much so that he licked the bottom of

her damp sock almost without realising it. But Georgina certainly


In fact when he made to lick again she raised her foot, watching him

lick the air.

"now, where does this scene look familiar from?" she mocked him as

he craned his neck, trying desperately to reach her foot.

"OK, I lied." he confessed urgently, the crazed lust destroying any

pride he once had. "I want your feet bad, I worship them, please

don't do this to me Georgiona."

"As if i didn't know that." She laughed at him, "All i have to do is

shove my foot in your face and you'll come straight away because

you're in love with my dirty smelly socks."

Georgina poked his face with her foot and lifted it away to avoid

his tongue. she did it again, diving in but pulling back, teasing

him, and she loved every minute.

"OK, here's what I'll do." Georgina said, standing up. She rolled

him onto his front with her foot, his wrists were still bound

tightly with her lace. "Right, you can either get up, i'll untie you

and you can walk away, and I'll never pick on you again, or you can

lick the sweat off my feet and worship me for the Goddess I am."

Georgina put her hands on her hips, she knew exactly what this

teased, starved lust slave of hers would do. She barely even smiled

as he shuffled up to her feet and began feverishly licking her

socks. His tongue ran over the top of her foot, her ankles, her

toes. She even lifted her feet so he could the bottoms, which were

now dirty from standing on the pavement. He coughed and choked from

time to time, from either the strong smell or from accidently

choking down dirt or fabric from her socks. Georgina didn't care,

she absolutely loved the power of it all.

"I think I've made my point." She said coldly, lifting one foot and

putting on his cheek, pinning his head sideways to the floor. He

squirmed and struggled under her foot but he was pinned. As he

squirmed his waist rubbed the floor and he came, overwhelmed by the

privilige of licking her feet, it was the most violent and intense

orgasm he had ever experienced. But of course as it subsided the

shame crept over him like an ice cold blanket.

By this time Georgina had returned her wonderful feet to her

trainers. She wasn't bothered that only one trainer was laced up, as

Martin would have to explain why his hands were tied up behind his

back and why the bottom of his t-shirt was stained when he got home.




Karen had found out that once again Georgina and bullied her younger

brother Martin. She decided it was time to do something about this

girl once and for all. Sat on her bed she thought of all her

friends. Who did she know who could take on the cocky teenager?

There was no way she could, Georgina had already proven that. It

seemed all her friends were a bit on the girly side, attractive yes

- but none of them were fighters. Then she had an idea, her best

friend Maria. Maria was a beautiful 5'7 ginger haired girl with a

perfect curving body and a pretty face. It wasn't Maria she had in

mind though, but her 15 year old sister Erica. Erica was an

irritating immature girl, almost as beautiful as her older sister,

but she was also really into martial arts. It could work, she ranf

Maria to arrange a meeting.

That afternoon it was pretty warm and Maria answered the door in

shorts and t-shirt, leading in Karen, who wore a knee-length white

skirt, white sandals and a light blue sleaveless top. They both sat

down on the couch in the front room.

"Erica not here?" Karen asked Maria, looking around.

"No, thank God." Maria said exasperated, "She was really pissing me

off this morning, as sisters do."

"I kinda needed to speak to her..." Karen started, but she was


"About what?" The loud voice belonged to Erica, who had just come in

through the back door. Erica was only an inch shorter than her

sister, who was four years older than she was. She also boasted a

larger bust (something of which Maria was more than a little

jealous). Right now Erica was in tight denim hotpants and a small

white t-shirt, as well as light blue flip flops, her finger and

toenails were all painted deep blue.

"I need to ask you a favour." Karen said looking at her.

"What's in it for me?" Erica said impatiently, folding her arms

under her breasts. She was chewing gum.

"Don't be rude Erica." Maria scolded her sister.

"Shut up." Maria retorted, "Carry on Karen."

"Well...I need you to kick someone's ass actually." Karen told her.

"Maria's?" Erica asked hopefully. Her sister looked at her in an

exasperated way.

"No." Karen said, "A girl called Georgina."

"Don't know her, but...sounds fun, what did she do?" Erica said,

blowing a pink bubble through her soft lips.

"Beat up Martin...and me." Karen said uneasily.

"Woah! How old is she?" Erica said, "I'm not beating up some grown

up woman."

"No, she's 17." Karen answered her.

"You're joking, you @#%$! You got your ass kicked by a 17 year old."

Erica laughed out loud.

"I'll kick your ass in a minute." Karen said, almost wishing she

hadn't bothered with this. Erica walked over and stood in front of

Karen's chair.

"You wish." She said, looking down at her.

"Erica, get out if you're going to be annoying." Maria said,

changing channels on the TV.

"Shut up you flat chested bitch or I'll kick your ass as well."

Erica said stubbornly.

"Right." Karen said standing up. She grabbed Erica's shoulders and

started pushing her out of the room. "Get out you little bitch." But

Erica wriggled free and grabbed Karen's shoulder, hurling her to the

floor. Erica dropped down onto Karen's back and pressed her to the

floor. She jammed her bare knee into the back of Karen's neck and

started pulling her hair

"Say sorry bitch." Erica said, still chewing on her bubble gum.

"OK!" Karen cried out, "I'm sorry, please get off." Erica stood up,


"OK Karen, I'll beat this girl up for you, just ring me later when

you find out a good time for it."

Later that day Karen found out that Georgina was going to a prty the

following night. She phoned Erica and told her if they go there

early before it was too crowded then they could get Georgina.

They got ready at Maria's house. Karen opted for some very tight

dark blue jeans, black heeled boots and a purple top. Erica looked

quite stunning in a denim miniskirt, tight white strappy top and the

same light blue flip flops from the day before. She had repainted

them the same deep blue as well.

They arrived at the hired hall where the party was taking place. The

two of them first went into the toilets to discuss their plan. Karen

couldn't believe her luck when they went in, stood in front of the

sinks doing her make-up was none other than Georgina. She quickly

whispered to Erica that this was who they were after.

Georgina was wearing a black and red checked miniskirt with a black

sleaveless top and knee-high black heeled boots. She looked around

to see what the distraction was.

"Oh." She smiled, "Hello Karen, sorry you can't suck on my feet

today, I'm wearing boots." Erica looked at them both quizzically.

"Who's your friend Karen?" Georgina asked pleasently, as if they

were friends. Erica walked right up to Georgina and without warning

slapped her face hard. Georgina backed up and smashed into the wall.

"I'm Erica." Erica said "You won't forget me in a hurry." Karen

grinned, she was already enjoying this.

Erica followed up by grabbing Georgina's hair and pulling her down,

driving her knne into Georgina's chest. After kneeing her a few

times she span round and threw Georgina in a heap on the floor.

Erica jumped onto Georgina's back and grabbed her hair, putting her

knee on her neck like she did to Karen the night before.

"Is that it?" She said amazed, Georgina wheezed in pain under her

"This is the girl who kicked your ass? She's nothing."

"How'd you like that Georgina?" Karen said, bending down to look at

her, "It's a a bit different this time isn't it?"

But Georgina wasn't done yet, she bent her left leg and kicked Erica

in the back. Erica dropped off forwards. Georgina sat up and punched

the side of Erica's head, knocking her to the floor.

"No!" Karen yelled in dismay. She rushed in and kicked Georgina to

the floor before she could do anymore damage. As Georgina hit the

floor she slammed her heel into Karen's knee. Karen yelped in pain

and fell to her knees. Georgina rolled away and kicked Erica again

to keep her down. Erica gasped, trying to regain strength.

Georgina was fast taking control of the situation, she stood up and

kicked Karen in the face. As the toe of her boot connected with

Karen's nose it practically exploded,sending blood everywhere and

making an awful clicking sound. Karen clutched her face and hit the

floor face first.

Georgina straightened her skirt and looked at the two girls lying on

the floor either side of her. She looked down at Karen, and then

kicked the back of her head "That's for kicking me bitch." Then she

kicked Erica in the back of the head "And that's for pushing me

bitch." Karen was now unconscious, Erica was still awake but in a

fair bit of pain. Georgina rolled her onto her back and then sat on

her chest, straddling her head.

Erica gasped as Georgina's firm ass landed on her chest. She had a

clear view of her white knickers from here, she would teach this

bitch a lesson. Erica made a swing for Georgina's mouth but Georgina

moved backwards to avoid it.

"Try again." She giggled. Erica took another swing, Georgina dodged

again. The she got both of Erica's hands and pinned them under her

knees so she was helpless.

" turn." She beamed, slamming her fist into Erica's face.

"Urgh!" Erica moaned on impact, her lip felt numb and bruised. She

struggled but Georgina's legs were too strong, why did she get

herself into this?

"Right, now you're the only one who hasn't had a taste of my feet,

and i wouldn't want to deprive you." Georgina said, unzipping her

knee high boots and sliding them off to reveal her smmoth toned feet

and red painted toenails. Erica twitched helplessly between her

legs. Georgina lifted her right leg, grabbing Erica's free hand so

she couldn't use it.

"Heh, lie still, there's a good girl." Georgina put her big toe on

Erica's lips "shhh" she whispered, clearly enjoying herself. Using

her big toe she guided Erica's mouth open and put her toes on her


"Just suck them, it's not hard." Georgina told her. Erica did not

respond so Georgina dug her nails into her captive hand. Erica

squealed in pain and began sucking on her toes obediently.

"That's it." Georgina patronised her, enjoying the sensation of

Erica's tongue licking between her toes. They might have been clean,

they might have been dirty, what did she care?

She slid her foot free and Erica was still sucking on thin air.

"Don't get greedy little girl." Georgina told her, jabbing her nose

with her big toe. "What is it with my feet? Why is everyone in love

with them?" Erica was still craning her neck, trying to reach those

red-painted toenails that Georgina dangled inches out of reach.

"You bad little girl, what makes you think you deserve it?" Georgina


"Please, I'm sorry." Erica whimpered, under the same spell that

Georgina's feet had done to Martin.

Before this went any further though there was a loud crack and

Georgina flew aside and hit the tiled floor. Karen was stood next to

her, seething with anger, she jumped forwards and kicked Georgina

repeatedly whilst she was down.

"Urgh...please stop." Georgina finally relented, gasping at Karen's

feet. Karen hated her so much.

"Fine! Lick my boots you little tramp or I'll beat the @#%$ out of

you all over again." And she meant every word. Georgina sensed this

and licked the front of Karen's boot.

By this time Erica had regained herself and stood next to Karen. She

kicked off her flip flops.

"Let's see if she likes feet too?" She said to Karen.

"You heard her Georgina." Karen said to their floored opponent,

"Suck on her toes or I'll kick you to death right here on the


Georgina did not want to do this at all but had little choice. She

moved forwards and took Erica's gorgeous foot into her mouth. Erica

shoved her foot aggreesively into Georgina's mouth as far as she

could, she was sure her toes were brushing the back of her throat.

Georgina's eyes watered and her face went bright red. She tried to

call out but her voice was muffled.

"Suck it bitch." Erica said "There's a good girl." Erica wiggled her

toes playfully inside Georgina's mouth, observing her gag and choke

as she did so. Erica then withdrew her foot and wiped her wet foot

over Georgina's face and hair.

"Urgh." She said, "lick that slobber off of my foot bitch."

Georgina was terrified of these two now and did so without question.

She ran her tongue over Erica's foot, over heel and between her

toes. Then Erica lifted her foot and Georgina licked the bottom,

which was dirtied slightly from the floor.

Erica then kicked Georgina so hard in between her eyes that she

passed out.

"Come on Karen, let's go enjoy the party."