Please Donate now!
Please Donate now..

We're all coming to grips with the reality of the immensity of the 26 Dec 2004 Tsunami tragedy which struck South East Asia. At this time of writing, the death toll is marked at 150,000 souls. (revised 10 Jan 05)

As this tragedy unfolds before us on TV news and newpapers, we're left asking what can we do to help those, half a world away from us, who are in dire need of assistance. The immidiate need is for money to be sent to the impacted areas. We're asked to donate what we can, when we can.

It doesn't matter who or where you donate to, but please donate.. The Red Cross will make sure it gets used where it is needed, and it is urgently needed. So please donate today, what you can. Every little bit helps.

Then give your loved ones a hug, because you can..

Please Donate Now..
Donate now.. Please.