A lesson learned by S.P.Eider

The last thing Julie saw before she hit the mat was the sole of Eve’s foot. It struck her face with a controlled power, not enough to hurt but with sufficient force to take her off balance and knock her effortlessly to the ground.

She sat there for a while, listening to the sound of Eve’s voice as she addressed her enthralled students. "And so you see," said Eve. "It is not always necessary to inflict pain to win a contest. Only if your opponent displays such tendencies should you resort to similar tactics." She offered Julie her hand and pulled her upright to stand alongside her. "That is all for today class. I shall see you next week."

She and Julie bowed deeply and the sparsely clothed crowd before them bowed back. The women in Eve’s Dojo wore thongs and small bikini tops, the men just thongs. Each thong was of a colour appertaining to that person’s skill as a fighter. To Eve, any more clothing would have been a distraction from combat.

As they bowed Julie could not help but notice the appreciative looks that Eve was getting from the men in the class. By now Julie was used to seeing Eve receive such attention, her beauty was undeniable. She wore her short dark hair in a bob, framing an exquisite face that always seemed so serene for one of only 29 years of age. Her body was as close to perfection as any Julie had ever seen. Tanned legs that went on for almost an eternity, stopping only at a stomach that defied the description of any writer, no analogy could encompass it’s perfection. Finally came Eve’s chest which, unlike the other women in the class, was unfettered by a bikini top, or clothing of any kind. Julie noticed a thin layer of sweat covering her teacher’s ample bosom and for a second considered reaching out and wiping it off.

Realising what she was doing, Julie instead reached behind her own head and took a clip from her hair, allowing her long blond locks it to fall naturally around her shoulders. Eight years younger than Eve, she stood a few inches shorter than her teacher. Julie was dressed in a black thong and bikini top and her face seemed fixed in permanent smile. She was the sort of person that would see the happy side of a Radiohead song.

Although she wasn’t aware of it, she too had been the subject of many appreciative comments in the men’s changing rooms. Julie’s body may not have been as defined as Eve’s but her soft white skin and subtle puppy fat gave her a more approachable appearance. Julie was not a large girl, not by the usual definition, but standing alongside the likes of Eve made even an average figure seem that little bit bigger. Not that this wasn’t without it’s advantages, Julie’s chest was noticeably larger than Eve’s and was barely contained by the two small triangles of cloth that just covered her nipples.

Julie raised her hands above her head, the muscles in her arms gaining definition as she did so. "You know, I plan to surprise you one of these days," she said smiling, as the last of the group left the Dojo.

Eve returned her smile "Of that I have no doubt. You have been training with us for little more than seven months now and have already bested every fighter here."

"Almost every fighter," corrected Julie. "I can barely even touch you when we fight, let alone knock you down."

"It will happen," said Eve. "Only today you lasted longer against me than any of my previous opponents." She paused, entertaining the ghost of a memory. "Save one," she added quietly.

Her contemplation was interrupted by a voice she did not recognise. "I’ve come for the challenge." A young woman stood at the entrance to the Dojo. She was staring at Eve with a steely intensity. "I’ve come for the challenge," she said again

As far as Eve could tell the girl was no older than Julie and had a shock of short, bright red hair that had clearly been dyed. Although her face was fixed in anger, Eve could see the beauty therein. The girl’s short hair was a complement to her elfin features which betrayed a mischievous streak. She wore a black jujitsu gi and, Eve noticed, had a barbed wire tattoo around her left ankle.

Collecting her thoughts, Eve addressed the visitor. "You cannot challenge me. You have no rights to issue such a challenge."

"My name is Kate. You defeated my Sensei. I challenge you to a rematch in his name."

Eve paused. She knew of who the visitor spoke. It had been her triumph over Sensei that had led her to the position of authority she now held in what had previously been his Dojo. She had expected him to send a champion for some time, perhaps in the hope of winning back his Dojo. She had not expected it so soon though, and certainly not from one so young.

"I’ll do it," said Julie suddenly.

"What?" asked Eve.

"I’ll fight her - in your name. Just as she is fighting for her Sensei." She looked imploringly at Eve. Julie knew she could beat this pretender, she just hoped Eve believed it also. "I am ready," she said.

"Very well," said Eve quietly. She addressed Kate. "Do you agree to face my student?"

"For the right to face you next? Fair enough."

Kate seemed almost oblivious to Julie, still looking straight at Eve who walked from the mat leaving only the two combatants. Acknowledging Julie for the first time, Kate noticed her simple costume. "Hmm, kinky," she said, "Still, ‘when in Rome’ I guess." Kate smiled and slipped out of her gi to reveal a slim body dressed only in the smallest white lace panties and a bra that contained two firm, pert breasts. Her tanned figure was closer in shade to Eve’s and was a stark contrast to Julie’s pale form. Julie looked Kate up and down as they faced each other at the centre of the mat. She couldn’t deny Kate’s physique seemed almost perfect for combat.

"Begin," whispered Eve.

Julie immediately went on the attack unleashing a rapid punch to Kate’s face. For her part Kate merely stood her ground and did not move. Julie’s fist stopped millimetres from the skin of Kate’s cheek.

"First point - Julie," said Eve, barely concealing her pride in her student.

Kate merely smiled. "Points?" she said. "I don’t think so."

Her mouth had barely finished forming the word ‘so’ when her right foot flew forward and impacted squarely between Julie’s legs. Julie screamed in pain, her hands dropping to her groin. Then, for the second time that day Julie felt the sole of a foot against her face. Unlike earlier though, the power in Kate’s high kick was undeniable. Kate’s heel hit her jaw with enough force to loosen teeth. Kate moved in quickly to Julie’s dazed frame and brought her knee up hard into her opponent’s midsection. The move left Julie both winded and in great pain and she collapsed to her knees nursing both her stomach and groin, her eyes moist with tears.

"Tell me this isn’t your best," mocked Kate. She grabbed a handful of Julie’s hair in her hand and looked squarely at Eve. "My grandma could’ve beaten this fat slut." She punctuated the sentence with a fierce knee to Julie’s face. Julie’s head reeled back but only as far as Kate let it, not yet ready to relinquish her grip on Julie’s blond mane. She pulled Julie forcefully to her feet and still holding her hair in one hand, punched Julie hard in the gut with the other. Not once, not twice, more times than Eve wanted to count.

"Will - you - face -me?" spat Kate. With each word she punched Julie in the stomach, treating her as little more than a training dummy.

Eve swallowed and looked away. "No."

"I - was - hoping - you’d - say - that," said Kate, now interspersing her punches with the occasional knee to Julie’s groin. "This - will - be - more - fun - the - hard -way." She finally released Julie’s hair, who somehow managed to stay standing just long enough to intercept a perfectly executed roundhouse kick to the face, delivered with precision by Kate. Julie slumped to the floor, barely clinging to consciousness.

Kate walked across to her stunned rival and looked down with distaste. "Sensei wouldn’t have let you in the door," she said as she knelt down beside Julie. "Truth is, I’m surprised you even fit through the door."

Julie was vaguely conscious of Kate rolling her onto her front. She felt Kate’s taut buttocks and the weight of her body against the small of her back and was suddenly aware of Kate’s hands cupping under her chin.. What followed was a jerk and a sudden, sobering pain as Kate pulled Julie’s head back hard and without mercy, trapping her in a hold known in wrestling terms as the ‘camel clutch’. Through blurred vision Julie could see the outline of Eve directly in front of her. Kate had clearly manoeuvred her into a position to offer her teacher the best view of her humiliation. Despite the ringing in her ears, Julie heard Kate speak. She was no longer concealing the venom in her voice as she literally spat the words at Eve.

"Now will you face me?" As Kate spoke she pulled back even harder on Julie’s chin causing her to utter a weak scream that served to underline Kate’s request. This time Eve said nothing. She merely looked at Julie and silently mouthed the word ‘sorry.’ With that she turned and slowly left the Dojo.

"NO!" roared Kate and immediately leapt from Julie’s battered body. "Get back here and face me!" She screamed a cry of rage and frustration, any words lost in the emotion that she felt. This was not what was supposed to happen. She was going to fight her, to beat her, Sensei had promised her of that. And then she would be the best. All Kate had ever wanted was to be the best.

Kate breathed deeply and brought her emotions under control. Very well, she thought, if she won’t face me then I‘ll get the next best thing. Her ‘star’ student is mine for the taking. I’ll make that snooty bitch regret ever leaving me alone with this talentless bimbo. Smiling a smile that didn’t reach her eyes, Kate turned to face Julie, contemplating the workout she could have on her helpless foe. Needless to say, the foot that connected with her face could not have come as more of a surprise.

"Hello again," said Julie. Kate staggered back, not only from the force of the kick but from the amazement of seeing Julie back on her feet. For her part, Julie continued the happy reunion with a powerful sidekick to Kate’s stomach. The sound of sole slapping against skin echoed around the Dojo. Kate, who was still too dazed to offer any kind of counter attack bent double, the wind knocked out of her.

Julie seized her opportunity in a flash. With her opponent bent forward, head facing down, it was not difficult for Julie to step over her faltering competitor and clamp her fair thigh’s firmly around Kate’s head, facing towards her exposed back..

With Kate’s head resolutely ensconced between Julie’s legs, the rest of Kate’s body was now an easy target. Julie drove elbow after elbow into the small of Kate’s back, still maintaining a tight grip with her thighs so Kate could not drop to the floor and escape further punishment. Seemingly tired of raining blows onto her rival, Julie instead grabbed Kate’s flailing hands and began to force them up her back in a painful double hammer lock, simultaneously applying further pressure to Kate’s head by squeezing her thighs even tighter. "I give," came a plaintiff cry from Julie’s captive foe. "Please, I give, I’m sorry."

Julie allowed Kate’s arms to drop to her side and released the grip on her head. Kate’s stood up, shaking her head from side to side. Offering her hand to Julie, she said "Good moves girl, I mean that. Thanks for the workout."

Julie was breathing hard but smiling a triumphant smile. "Anytime," she said and took Kate’s hand to shake it. It took Kate less than three seconds to apply the armlock. As soon as Julie’s hand was in her own she gripped it tightly and simultaneously turned 360º still maintaining her grip. The move twisted Julie’s arm painfully and left her completely at Kate’s mercy.

"Wow," said Kate. "Fat and stupid. That’s some combination." She stopped and appeared to be thinking to herself. "Hey," she said after a moment. "You must be hungry. Are you hungry?" Julie remained silent, pondering ways to escape the armlock. Although the pain in her arm was not intense, any movement she attempted soon caused it to be so. "I said are you hungry Bitch!!" Kate was angry again and twisted Julie’s captive arm further to make her point. Julie’s response was a sharp scream of agony. "Is that a yes?" asked Kate, an unpleasant smile having returned to her face. "Good. Then eat this!" Her leg flew up in a smooth arc and her the front of her foot impacted against Julie’s face with a piercing slap. Julie’s head snapped back and her knees shuddered but she did not fall.

"Sorry, what was that," mocked Kate. "You want some more?" This time Julie tried to block the move with her free hand but Kate anticipated this and instead drove her foot into the pit of Julie’s stomach. Winded and still trapped, Julie could offer little resistance to Kate’s next attack. Again the path of Kate’s foot was only stopped by Julie’s face, blood now flowing freely from her lower lip. Kate kicked her again. And again. And again.

Despite the near constant barrage of blows, Julie managed to stay on her feet. It was difficult to tell if this was due to fierce pride on her part or the application of the armlock forcing her to stay standing. Whatever it was, it had clearly begun to enrage Kate further. "OK," she screeched, "Now it’s time for dessert."

She released the armlock and immediately went on the attack, giving Julie no time to appreciate her unexpected freedom. Kate grabbed Julie’s shoulders with both hands and literally buried her knee into her groin, driving it up hard between Julie’s legs, whilst simultaneously pulling Julie forward. Julie screamed louder than at any point in the fight so far but could not deter Kate’s unrelenting attack. A roundhouse to the face impacted with savage accuracy causing Julie to spit blood. This was followed by a series of punches to her enormous breasts, Kate immersing her fists into Julie’s fleshy orbs. Julie was little more than a punching bag at this point, whatever move Kate thought of, she was able to execute with little or no resistance. When Julie did try to attack, it only left her in more trouble than before.

Julie threw a weak punch that would have done little damage even if it had connected. Not that this was an issue, Kate caught Julie’s outstretched arm without a moments thought. Moving quickly behind the stricken fighter, Kate forced Julie’s arm high up her own back trapping her in a hammerlock not unlike the one Julie had inflicted on Kate what now seemed a lifetime ago.

With her right hand forcing Julie’s captive arm still higher and causing unbearable pain to her shoulder muscle, Kate’s left arm coiled itself around Julie’s neck and tightened like a Boa Constrictor around a soon to be ex-mouse. Kate smiled as Julie began to cough. From her vantage point directly behind her helpless antagonist, Kate could clearly see the colour in Julie’s face growing redder by the minute. Such a reaction might have caused any other fighter to relax their grip slightly. Not being just any fighter, Kate instead tightened her grip viciously, pulling Julie’s head back so she could speak directly into her victim’s ear.

"Interesting situation, isn’t it," asked Kate, almost conversationally. Julie said nothing, out of both choice and necessity. "I mean," continued Kate, undeterred by the lack of response, "what’ll happen first?" Still Julie remained silent, her face now turning a disturbing shade of purple. "You’re either going to submit-" At this point, Kate forced Julie’s arm up higher than she had so far and producing the closest thing to a moan that Julie could muster. "-from the pain of the armlock," said Kate spitefully. "Or," she said transferring the increased pressure from the armlock to the chokehold, "you’ll just pass out from suffocation." Kate grinned. "Either way, you - unngghh!!"

Whatever Kate had planned to say was lost in the sudden cry of pain that she uttered, due in no small part, to the heel of Julie’s foot that had just connected with precise accuracy directly between Kate’s legs.

Although Julie’s back kick had contained little power, it’s destination had more than compensated and Kate immediately released her grip on Julie and stepped back, nursing her painful groin. "Bitch!" she spat. "I’ll kill you!"

"Wait a minute," said Julie, still dazed from her recent assault, but gradually regaining clarity. "You could fight me," she said, grateful that for the moment at least, she seemed to have Kate’s attention. "And I don’t doubt you’d beat me. But what would you gain from that? Eve will never fight you unless you beat me on her terms. A fair, non-contact fight. First one to five points wins."

Kate paused, thinking about the situation. Julie was right about one thing, beating her would be simple, she had already proved that much. And if she was to face Eve like Sensei had promised, she would have to play their kiddies game, for now at least. "Fair enough," she said. "Points then. Consider yourself very lucky."

"Oh, I do," said Julie, and smiled sweetly. "Trust me."

They stood at the centre of the mat and faced each other, just as they had earlier, albeit a little more bruised in Julie’s case. "Let’s go," said Kate.

Julie immediately went on the attack unleashing a rapid punch to Kate’s face. For her part Kate merely stood her ground and did not move. Julie’s fist did not stop millimetres from the skin of Kate’s cheek. In fact, it did not stop until it had smacked into Kate’s cheek and sent her stumbling backwards, her expression a mixture of both pain and shock.

She maintained this expression up until the point it changed into a grimace of pure agony as Julie kneed her hard in the groin three times in quick succession, each strike more powerful than the last. Winded and already barely conscious, Kate’s vision began to blur. When it cleared she saw a flash of pink flesh and five toes, then felt a sensation not unlike being slapped repeatedly by a leather glove as Julie released kick after kick to her previously attractive face. The first was a powerful roundhouse, the sole of Julie’s foot connecting hard against Kate’s cheek. As Kate’s head was knocked sideways with the force of the blow, Julie pirouetted on the ball of her left foot whilst extending her right leg out like a ballet dancer, unleashing an unstoppable spin kick. Her heel connected with the bridge of Kate’s nose with a jarring crack.

Literally knocked of her feet, Kate fell to the mat nearly a metre from where she had been standing. Fighting off the dark veil of unconsciousness that threatened to engulf her, she lie there for a while trying to ascertain what had gone wrong. The bitch had lied, she’d said non-contact. Kate’s bruises were a testament to the inaccuracies of the that statement. Furious beyond belief, Kate staggered to her feet, her strength imbued by pure rage.

"Come on," she screamed at Julie, who had been watching Kate calmly from the far side of the mat since her last attack. "You wanted it this way, let’s go! I‘m gonna rip you apart!!" She charged at Julie like an enraged bull, only with less judgement. At the last possible moment, Julie side-stepped with ease and grabbed Kate’s shoulders from behind, just stopping her from crashing into the Dojo wall. If Kate had thought Julie’s intention had been charitable, she was soon proved sorely mistaken, with emphasis on the word sorely. With her hands tight on Kate’s shoulders, Julie drew her knee back and released it with a vengeful passion into the redhead’s back. The impact shook the Dojo and white hot pain coursed through Kate’s body as she screamed in agony and frustration.

Exploiting her advantage, Julie quickly released her grip and instead hooked her arms under Kate’s shoulders and linked her hands behind her opponent’s head. With the full nelson firmly in place she then snaked her legs around Kate’s body like vines encompassing a building. Once her ankles were as locked as her hands, she squeezed tightly. Kate let out a cry of pain and the pair fell to the mat.

Kate struggled to free herself from Julie’s controlling grasp but her injuries had left her in no position to offer any serious challenge to Julie’s dominance. Julie merely tightened both her arms and legs simultaneously leaving Kate unsure which was causing the greater discomfort, her neck or her waist.

"Interesting situation, isn’t it," asked Julie, mimicking Kate’s previous comments. "I mean," she continued, "what’ll happen first? You’re either going to submit-" Julie squeezed with both her arms and legs, bringing a weak cry from Kate’s mouth. "Or," she continued unabated, "you’re going to submit." Again Julie crushed the little remaining breath from Kate’s helpless body, this time Kate could manage nothing more than a gasp of escaping air. "I’m afraid your choices are somewhat limited." Employing every ounce of her strength, Julie stretched her legs, increasing the pressure on Kate’s stomach exponentially. Meanwhile she forced Kate’s head so far down as to force her chin painfully into her own sternum.

Although it didn’t take long, neither Kate nor Julie ever did establish which of the holds that had been employed was the cause of Kate’s blackout. For their own unique reasons, neither of them really cared.

During Kate’s first moments first moments of consciousness, she wondered what the weight was pressing down on her breasts. She realised who it was, before her vision finally cleared. Julie was sitting astride her, stark naked. Her bikini had been discarded at the far wall of the Dojo. Next to it, Kate noticed a white lace bra and panties and was shocked to learn that they were her own. She looked up at Julie and demanded to be told what she was playing at. "You’ve beaten me bitch!" she spat. "I ain’t playing your kinky games any more. Just get your overweight arse off me and I’m out of here!!" She shifted and struggled beneath Julie’s magnificent form, but all to no end.

Julie smiled. "Sorry Kate," she said after a time. "But didn’t you hear," said Julie, looking down at her vanquished opponent. "It’s never over till the fat lady sings."

Moving slightly forward, just enough that her crotch was now resting across Kate’s neck, Julie clasped her thighs firmly around her victims head, ensuring there could be no reprieve from what was to follow. Julie then gripped Kate’s short red hair with one hand and pulled her face into her blond mound, grinding Kate’s nose deep into her pussy whilst the rhythm of movement in her hips began to gain speed. Julie’s excitement started to peak and she pushed Kate’s face still further into her vagina. Just as earlier, Kate had treated Julie like a training dummy, now Kate was being used in a similar sense. Kate tried to protest but any words were muffled and unintelligible.

Julie did not mind though and said as much. "Tongue." demanded Julie, her thighs tightening with the threat of strangulation if Kate failed to comply. Kate was forced to open her mouth, kissing the wet pussy of her conqueror to put the final seal on her utter and total defeat and humiliation.

Through her rapturous thrill Julie spared a moments thought for her cowed slave. Julie knew that Kate had been forced into this challenge by another, the promise of greater things a powerful incentive. As she came for the second time, Julie imagined doing this to Sensei and the sensation was overpowering.

Julie knew what she had to do. And she planned to enjoy doing it.