Int'l Mixed Boxing Tournament

by: Ray


Good evenig ladies and gentlemen an welcome to the International Boxing tournament. We are here to give you the best mixed boxing you have ever seen. Tonight Middle Weight fight we have the african-american AMBER EASTON vs. Mexican ENRIQUE GONZALEZ, in a nude taped-fist match tonight. Alright lets take a quick revew of the fighters. Amber is 5'6 145,34c and shoulder length black hair. Enrique is 5'9 160 former bodybuilder. The rules are 6, 5:00 minute rounds with 30 second rest. Alright folks the ref and fighters enter the ring and are ready to go at it.



Both fighter circle each other around the ring, Amber throws a quick right jab to the stomach. EG counters with a hook to the ribs. AE is provoking EG to throw a punch but he won't budge, AE then rockingly hits EG on the right cheek sending him back a few steps. EG shakes off the punch. AE misses a long hook and EG hits her hard in the stomach. AE moans as EG then his her on the nose. AE shakes the two hit combo and begins circling him. EG misses the left hook and AE hits him hard to the chest area. AE is throwing flurries of hook to EG's face. EG lands on the ropes riding out the attack. DING!!!!! Round one has ended and it look like both fighters just feeling through lets see what round 2 has to offer.





EG comes out aggresively and throws a mayhem of punches and scores big time with a uppercut to AE's right breast. As AE stumbles EG throws a humongus jab to her nose, blood is tricking from AE's nose but because of the rule blood does not stop the fight. AE falls on the ropes, EG starts throwing pucnhes and connects a hook to her jaw. EG then begin jabing AE's breast. AE then begin to tangle up with EG. The ref breaks up them up. The ref singnals them to start again. AE attack to aggresively and leaves her tits exposed and EG is quick to attack he lands 5 quality jabs to each tit. AE back off and right off the back you notice her nipples begin to swell. EG see his opponents weak point and begins to jab away at AE's tits. AE moans as the onsluaght is going on. AE then steps back and delivers and monstorus hook to his left eye. EG's eye begins to turn black. AE is on the ball and delivers quick jabs to his ribs. EG blocks the attack and delivers and left hook to her abdomen. AE grabs her stomach in pain. EG then uppercuts her and blod just poured out of AE mouth and nose. Blood is pouring like kool-aid out from her mouth and nose. EG is still on the offense and lands a hard hook on her left jaw. AE stumbles to the ropes, EG then lands 7 jabs to her tits. The ref comes in a breaks it up. Both fighters touch gloves and continue. AE dances around the ring trying to shake off the deadly attack by EG. AE then moves closer for a comeback, AE lands a notoriuos jab right across his left eye. AE then jabs again on the eye. EG's eye is starting bleed from the punishment. EG tangles up with AE to save some time. AE then uppercuts EG chin and EG stumbles and falls to the mat. EG gets up very quickly with only a 4 count. EG moves around furoiusly, He then goes wild and overloads AE with jabs, hooks, and uppercuts. EG has landed several uppercuts to AE's tits, not to metion the vicisous upercut to her chin which had blood pouring out again. AE falls on all four and the rounds end. AE slowly walks to her corner and EG hustle for a quick sit down. After round 2 AE and EG exploded, EG won this round by a long shot and it dosen't like AE will last the next round. AE face is covered blood and bruises. EG might just totally knock her out.





Round 3

The bell rings and both fighter go center. EG is looking to finish her off this round, AE is showing some fatigue. EG is weak jabbing trying to get AE to open up. AE suddenly jabs his right jaw, EG steps back delivers a strong uppercut. AE trips back on the mat, she gets up before a count could begin. Blood has dried on the african-american fighter and it doesn't look like she is going to last. AE puts up her fist and is ready to start again. Both fighters put their guards up. EG is again trying to find a open in AE's guard. AE then suddenly misses a left hook and EG then delivers 3 jabs to the tits, 5 punches to the face and 1 HUGE!!!!! uppercut and AE whole mouth spat out at least 2 quarts of blood and not to metion her nipples are bleeding. AE is lying down on the mat and the ref declares a TKO. EG has advances to the second round and AE is in the loser bracket. Well what a groosman fight and EG is declared the winner. Are congratulation goes out to EG and hope success is in his future.


AE: 0-1

EG: 1-0