What on earth could bring two sisters to fight each other? And I’m not
speaking about the little spats that most siblings have from time to time as they
grow up and inevitably irritate and annoy each other in equal measures. I’m
speaking about a full blown, bare knuckle, hair pulling, face scratching
vicious catfight. A clothes ripping, name calling, down and dirty war that would
leave plenty of physical and mental scars for both sisters for the years to
come. What could cause that? The answer is a potent mix of years of pent up
jealousy, a ‘friend’ who likes to stir up trouble and a decent amount of
alcohol on a hot Summer’s afternoon.
This is the story of that fateful day, when two sexy young sisters turned
almost feral and turned on each other, when they became……
Lisa was 21 and had long, very light brown, straight hair. She was the
smaller of the two sisters even though she was older, at just 5’3” but was also a
bit heavier and sported a tremendous cleavage that was definitely her best
physical feature. On this particular afternoon she was dressed in nothing more
than a very revealing red, string bikini top and bottoms (as all three girls
were relaxing beside Fiona’s parents pool). Julie was only 19 but taller
than her sister at 5’6” and she had long brown hair and a really beautiful
face, she was the prettier of the two but as mentioned before had a stinking
attitude and was incredibly selfish and could be very cruel with her words. Julie
was clad in her white string bikini, which if anything was even skimpier
than her big sisters and displayed her firm, pert curves to their maximum.
Fiona had known both sisters all her life and spent it in their shade, she
was not as pretty as either and was a tall, and awkward, gangly girl but she
did have rich parents who owned a pool. But Fiona figured out that both Julie
and Lisa liked her not for herself but for what she had and from that point
on secretly despised both sisters and determined to somehow teach them a
lesson. Months of scheming behind their backs brought her to this day and she was
sure she could make it happen. She invited both sisters over separately,
neither knowing the other would be there. Then she claimed that another two girls
she had invited to her all girl party had called off at the last minute (a
lie, Lisa and Julie were the only invitees) and then proceeded to ply both
girls with copious amounts of alcohol. She also took every opportunity to bitch
about the other behind their back, winding each sister up with what the other
had been saying until both were positively fuming as they reclined by the
pool in the hot afternoon sun. Then Fiona dropped the bombshell she had been
saving up to that point.
“Say Lisa, how are you and Tommy getting on?”
Fiona asked the question so innocently, so matter-of-factly, as if she did
not know that Tommy was Julie’s ex-boyfriend that Julie did not yet know her
older sister had started seeing after they had broken up. Lisa had thought it
prudent not to tell Julie until she was sure if it was a relationship that
was going anywhere. Instantly Julie swung around and stared hard at her older
sister, her eyes like lasers and a stern expression on her face. She wasn’t
the best at handling her drink anyway but the heat and the measures Fiona had
been handing out only added to the effect – she was drunk and angry.
All screeched in a high pitched, offended voice that seemed dangerously out
of control. Lisa flashed a look of annoyance at Fiona’s indiscretion but
concentrated mainly on her little sister.
“Look little sister, I was going to tell you but I thought….”
She never got to finish that sentence as she had to take evasive action to
duck the half full glass of vodka that was thrown at her head, just missing
her and smashing into smithereens just past her on the poolside.
The violent smash that the glass made as it disintegrated beside her seemed
to freeze Lisa for a moment and as she sat there Julie stormed right up to
her. This forced Lisa out of her daze and up to her feet to stand chest to
chest with her younger sister.
“What the fuck are you doing?” snarled Lisa.
Julie ignored the angry question and shoved at Lisa’s shoulders.
“You fucking bitch! How could you see Tommy? I fucking hate you!”
That last exclamation came with an even harder shove by Julie and Lisa
toppled backwards as the backs of her legs were squeezed against the frame of the
reclining lounger she had been sat in. She put out her hand to save herself
but instead put her palm down right onto a piece of glass from the shattered
tumbler and squealed as she cut herself. Julie didn’t realise what had
happened so just laughed and turned away to leave thinking she had shown her big
sister not to mess with her. Lisa looked at her bleeding palm and the red mist
descended over her temper, she was normally the cool one and always keeping
the peace, well not this time. She sprang to her feet, let out a deep guttural
cry and ran at Julie’s back, crashing into it and sending Julie spilling
forward onto her front with Lisa still on her back.
Fiona took a step back on the decking and watched with detached amusement,
this was even better than she had hoped. Lisa straddled Julie’s back and in a
sort of frenzy unleashed a barrage of open hand slaps (hard slaps too by the
looks of them) to the back of Julie’s head, then after about fifteen of them
she dug her nails into Julie’s long brown hair, lifted her head up and
snarled at her.
“Don’t you ever tell me what to do you little slut” and then smashed Julie’
s head down, face first onto the poolside concrete.
Satisfied she had taught her little sister not to mess with her Lisa pushed
herself to her feet, wincing as her cut was pressed against as she pushed up.
She stood over a motionless Julie for a moment before a small shred of
guilt came to her, she shouldn’t have slammed her head like that. She kicked Julie
’s side, not hard, to get her to roll over and when she did Lisa was taken
aback because Julie was bleeding pretty heavily from her nose. Now Lisa really
was feeling bad and she dropped to her knees for a closer look, Julie had
tears in her eyes and it looked like both her nostrils were spilling blood,
maybe it was even broken.
“I’m sorry sis, you just went too far, I didn’t mean to….”
She broke off abruptly as Julie had just punched her deliberately in the
throat. Lisa recoiled and held her throat with a look of absolute shock on her
face, both her hands went to her throat and felt at it as she struggled to get
her breathe and though she saw Julie’s second punch coming she couldn’t
stop it before it smashed right into her bikini clad pussy.
Julie was livid, she was literally shaking with fury as she hauled herself
to her feet. Yes her nose was bleeding but the anger and frustration in her
was so pent up that Fiona could tell she was about to explode and it looked
like her big sister was going to be the target. Lisa, meanwhile, was really
struggling, she could barely catch her breath but the dull ache in her nether
regions was bad too and she couldn’t quite decide which to hold her hands to
It didn’t matter because the enraged Julie’s punch wasn’t at either area
instead it smashed forward viciously to flatten Lisa’s nose and send her flying
backwards hard on her rump.
“Fucking bitch, it’s time you found out you can’t push me around any more!”
screamed Julie and she stormed forward again this time bringing her knee
forward and into Lisa’s dazed face.
The younger girl was absolutely manic and even if Fiona wanted to intercede
and try to stop her she very much doubted she’d have much success against
such venom. Not that she was going to interrupt. Lisa was on her back now,
trying desperately to recover but her little sister was not about to let that
happen, she stooped to bitch slap Lisa and the dragged her over onto her front by
jerking hard on her hair.
“Let’s see how you like getting your face smashed in big sister!” Julie
almost screamed as she knelt on Lisa’s back and took a tight grip of Lisa’s
long hair.
She was savage in her intensity and brutality, lifting Lisa’s head up by her
hair then ramming it down on the ground (ground that was liberally scattered
with broken pieces of the thrown glass) time and again until she had worked
some of her fury out of her system. When she finally did relent and knelt
there on her sisters back and pulled Lisa’s head up by the hair she was amused
rather than horrified by the damage she done. Lisa’s forehead had a range of
small cuts on it, her nose was bleeding, her cheeks all scraped her lip was
bust open and her right eye was already swelling up – Julie had done quite the
number on her. Julie got to her feet and spat aggressively on the ground
beside Lisa and snarled at her.
“That should teach you a fucking lesson about messing with me!” and then
turned to leave triumphantly.
Lisa was hurting like hell all over her body but her pride would not let her
sister get away and she rolled onto her side, groaned and screamed after
“Tommy says you were shit in bed and says I’m so much better!”
It was a petty shot but it found it’s mark and Julie stopped dead. Snorted
and marched back towards Lisa who had made it to her knees by that point. She
got no further though, Julie grabbing her by the hair and hurling full force
into the swimming pool!
Lisa was taken completely by surprise and was flapping and splashing wildly
but before she could even get her bearings her sister had jumped in beside
her and totally disorientated her again. Julie reached out, took a firm grip of
Lisa’s hair again and this time plunged her big sisters head right under the
water. Yes she was annoyed by her sister’s caustic barb but more than that
she was actually enjoying dominating her after all these years of being the
one in control. She held Lisa under the water for ten seconds before letting
her up and slapping her face.
“Had enough bitch? Learned who’s better yet? No? Oh well, lets see if this
She pushed again and put Lisa’s head back under the water, this time for
fifteen seconds and when she finally relented her older sister was looking much
the worse for wear. Her cheeks were red and she was spitting out water and as
Julie dragged her, viciously by her hair, to the side of the pool, she was
totally incapable of doing anything to prevent her. Once they got to the side
Julie deftly undid Lisa’s red bikini top and used it to tie Lisa’s arms to
the ladder frame in the pool behind her. She did not even consider why Fiona
had not interceded so far, to Julie it was just her and her big sister in the
entire world. With Lisa’s wrists tied Julie took a step back in the pool
before lifted her hand up and slapping the hell out of Lisa’s face with a barrage
of wet, stinging slaps. Each one accompanied by a grunt and a curse from
When her hands were sore with slapping instead she wrapped her fingers
around Lisa’s throat and began to choke her, her face a mask of hatred. Julie was
out of control and Lisa genuinely thought her little sister was going to
strangle her to death in that swimming pool. Lisa was panicking big time but
could do little about it but try and move her head and neck to lessen the
pressure. At last Julie relented and dropped her arms for a moment whether it was
because they were tired or she was actually realising how close she was to
losing it, neither really knew. All Lisa knew was that she had to get out of
there so when Julie got in her face again and started to berate her she did the
only thing she could do – head butt her little sister right on the bridge of
her nose!
Julie recoiled immediately and squealed, holding her nose, as a line of
blood re-appeared between her fingers.If her nose wasn’t fucked before it surely
would be now. Lisa watched for a moment then began to frantically pull at the
bikini top around her wrists. It was not meant for that type of application
and the older sister was able to release her arms easily enough and while
Julie still held her face and wailed she scrambled up the ladder and away from
the pool. She had just made it to the top of the ladder when she was halted by
this shout.
“You bitch, I’m going to fucking kill you for that!”
Lisa turned to watch her sister thrash through the water wildly towards the
ladder and her. Ignoring the fact she was topless Lisa made her mind up to
run away and just get the hell away from here, let her sister cool down and let
herself recover but in her haste to escape she slipped on the poolside and
fell face first on the hard surface. By the time she had regained her senses
Julie was three quarters of the way up the ladder and when Lisa looked over her
shoulder it was to see her sister’s face (complete with crimson splotch in
the centre) emerging looking more angry than ever.
Julie reached forward and grabbed Lisa’s ankle, seeking to pull her back
into the pool. Lisa scrambled for a hold and in desperation kicked her foot back
to once again slam into the centre of Julie’s face and once again painfully
crash into her broken nose. That broke the hold and Lisa somehow made it to
her feet and looked back at her kneeling, crying sibling.
“Serves you fucking right you bitch! I hope it’s fucking broken! You’re a
total fucking psycho!”
Then for the second time that day Julie summoned up all her strength into
one mighty punch right into Lisa’s crotch! It landed perfectly and Lisa sunk to
her knees her face a mixture of extreme surprise and extreme pain. Both
sisters were facing each other on their knees, the damage of their cat fight
etched on their faces. Both moved towards the other, trying to gain some
advantage. In the struggle Julie lost her bikini top too and her tits were also
exposed. The watching Fiona could not help but smile at how this was turning out.
The two sisters laid in with tired slaps and punches at each other, before
they got so close that they wrapped their fingers in each others long hair and
started ripping at that too as they rolled around on the ground, each
cursing and swearing at the other. Julie created a bit of space by dipping her
mouth to her sister’s left tit and biting down viciously at it. As Lisa recoiled
her psychotic sister spotted an empty bottle on the nearby poolside table and
grabbed it by the neck. Lisa didn’t even see it coming as Julie swung it
down with great vengeance on Lisa’s forehead.
What a noise it made as it connected with Lisa’s skull and shattered into
thousands of pieces. Julie knelt over her big sister panting hard from the fight
but it was over, that was for sure Lisa was unconscious and already had a
bump like an egg on the side of her temple where the bottle had landed. Julie
swept her soaking hair from her face and felt gingerly at her nose, she winced
as it moved, it had to be broken. As she knelt over her fallen sister and
contemplated life with a disfigured nose her anger boiled over and formed into
a cruel and vicious revenge. She carefully picked up a large-ish shard of
glass and used it to carve the word “SLUT” onto her sister’s forehead, digging
it in nice and deep.
She rocked back to fully admire her handiwork as Lisa’s face bled then
decided that wasn’t enough and kicked her sister over onto her front and carved
the word “WHORE” on her back before spitting on her and storming off.
Fiona watched Julie leave and wondered what the next family Christmas would
be like……