Company: Tanya Kicks
Tape: TK024 Chance Encounters
Length: 60 minutes
Style: Topless Boxing
Reviewed By: Seaking
Rating 8:

     I'll be up front and say that I am not a fem boxing fan. Mostly because I personally think it's the silliest fight action to watch babes swing over sized gloves at each other and the only way someone gets knocked down is when she slips in her high heels. But wait, this is not one of those boxing matches, not even close! This match has such an incredible true story behind that I simply had to pick it up and give it a try. It was well worth the try. Here's the what who why and wow of it all.

     This saga started one day when Tiger Lily was riding the bus in her home town when she and her friends noticed someone giving her the once-over look. This is not a complimentary thing so Tiger stared back until the other woman said "What the fuck are YOU looking at, bitch?".. " and it went down hill from there. Never one to stand down to a confrontation, and feeling pretty cocky after her recent tough bitch fights at the TanyaKicks scene, Tiger Lily went up to the unknown woman and gave her a card. "If you want to settle this properly, give this number a call." What she gave the woman was Tanya Kick's business number and told her to set up a fight.

     To everyone's amazement... the woman on the bus phoned! Needless to say, Tanya was not sure if this was a good idea. I mean, seriously, who knows what this stranger brings to the plate? She could be a ringer, a pro fighter or simply just some poor gal who doesn't know what she's getting herself into. The apprehension hit everyone. So after the
arrangements were made, the stranger agreed to kicking Tiger's ass on video for Tanya's company. Simple as that. The red hot hatred between these two women was so strong that she would face Tiger no matter what. And so, the fight is on and what a fight.

     The video starts off like most of videos where Tanya
interviews the fighters before the match. We're introduced to Tiger who
explains exactly what happened to bring this fight on, and then to the
stranger, known as Red Star (most likely for the tat' on her back). I have
to give this gal her dues. Completely fearless and cocky, knowing she's
going to get a fight and eager to get it on. The ground rules were laid
down; an 8 X 3 minute round with 1 minute rest between rounds and the last round being a fight to the finish. Kicking was allowed and no breaking up of clinches. If the fight was brought down to the mat, it could only last for 1 minute before broken up by the Ref.

     Now remember, this gal hasn't faced any of these people before so it was a shock that she called at all, and even bigger one when she actually showed up to fight! The match would be held on the mats in Tanya's Lair, each gal with an assistant at the breaks.

     I must apologize right away that this review will not be like the ones I
usually do because boxing is not my forte. What I can tell you is that this
ain't no fluff and stuff tossing the heavily padded gloves around at each
other. These two closely matched women donned boxing gloves, mouth guards and stripped down to their shorts to face each other.

     The 3 minute rounds seem to go on nicely, each gal trading punches to the chest, belly and head, each gal giving as much as taking hits as the other. The kicking wasn't what you would call Kick boxing kicks but they left their marks and their effects on each gal. A couple of solid hits to Tiger's mouth left her bleeding. Red Star's thigh showed red welts from the solid kicks by Tiger. Though not contacting very often in some of the rounds, both women land step stopping hits to her opponent. Tiger is audibly stunned when clocked a couple of times by the hard hitting Red Star.

     When the opportunity presents itself both women clinch up and hammer away at each other up against the wall. Huge thuds and blows land on tender and bruised flesh as each gal tries to beat the other into submission. It looks kinda scary at times that someone is going to get severely pounded but manages to rally up a defense and hold off her assailant. A few times they end up down on the mat and duke it out but the rules prevail and they are separated to start again.

     During the 1 minute breaks between rounds you can start to see the effects on the gals. Aching and bruised, they keep moving to sooth hurt flesh and tired arms. As the rounds go on, it's starting to look more like a match of endurance. Red Star needs to drop Tiger with a solid punch to win this one as Tiger is looking in top form, though tired. When they square off again, the flurries of lefts and rights, kicks and shoves into the wall start to take their toll.

     Don't tell me you actually expected me to tell you who won this match!? I seldom do and I'm not going to tell on this one.. For those who are ordering this video, you'll want to see the ending as a new thing, not an expectation.

     Though I am not a boxing fan, I did enjoy this video a lot. I can easily give this video an 8 STAR rating. This is quite the decent boxing video, the action is for real and the anger and hate is all real. I think it was very brave of to even think of trying this match. It was so bizarre how it all happened to be a fight in the first place. It was very well done and I was very impressed with the decisive ending. The post fight interviews gave us another insight of what goes through a fighter's mind during a fight. The sheer 'unknown' of it all had me sitting on the edge of my seat for the whole hour. Wow, was it really an hour? The action when by so quickly, you hardly notice the time, just the action.

     If anyone else who reads this has actually seen the video and would like to lend their words to this review, drop me a line. Boxing is new to me, I'd like to hear your opinions.

      Check these pics out!

      Do you have a different opinion or would like to add to my comments about this tape? Please send them in to . If you wish to have your comments added to this page, your proper email address is required, I reserve the right to edit responses.