Company: Tanya Kicks
Tape: TK023 Say I do, Bitch!
Length: 40 minutes
Style: Cat Fight
Reviewed By: Seaking
Rating 10:

      Out of the Great White North comes another super great catfight video from the people at TanyaKicks! Ok, you know by now that I am hooked with their products. It's the most viscious and intense real catfight stuff I have seen in ages and they keep bringing out more and new stuff all the time. Their video productions are top notch and though they bring a story line to the fight scene, all the action is for real and the outcome is never known until someone says "I GIVE!" and submits to the other. Some people might find it too schwarmy that the combatants are too friendly and that they aren't giving it their all in a true fight but this isn't the case. Though they have mutual respect for one another, when it comes to fighting, there ain't no friends around here.. it's go time, bitch!
      This match up is between the new and improved Tiger Lily vs Steele Rose. New and improved? Wow, Tiger trimmed down and looks superb (not to say she didn't before) and looks to be in top fighting form. Needless to say, all her built up skills are going to be needed when she squares off against the power house known as Steele Rose! Now there's a woman I wouldn't want to piss off! The story line of this video is that Tiger is getting married and has invited her friends to attend. Razor is her Bridesmaid and Steele is her Maid of Honour. Both Steele and Razor end up in the lavatory to freshen up and Steele has nothing but horrible things to say about the whole affair, the outfits, the location, even the groom! Unfortunately, she doesn't realise that Tiger had stepped into one of the stalls before their arrival and hears it all. OOPS! Can you say Fox Pass?! (faux pas) Tiger can't believe her ears and comes out to confront the bitch. Steele tries to avoid a fight because it is after all Tiger's wedding day but Razor continues to egg the two of them on. She smells blood and wants to see it spilled. Finaly, Steele relents and accepts Tiger's challenge and the three go off to find a quiet room off to the side to battle it out. Razor gets her wish! She stipulates that the loser has to go out and face the crowd in her underwear! Yoikes!
      So the catfight begins with Steele in a not too flattering yellow dress and Tiger in her splendid wedding gown. Off comes the shoes and away they go. The hair is the first thing grabbed and the gowns are the first things ripped off to expose flesh that is relentlessly slapped. Steele gets the early advantage by mounting Tiger and pulling at her hair while Tiger tries to grab a mittfull of breast but to no avail. Steele is very strong and continues to distress Tiger. All the while, Razor continues with her side bar comments and remarks, egging both fighters to push on. Tiger almost gets the advantage as she rolls Steele over but quickly ends up on her back with Steele on top again. The hair pulling is extreme as Steele howls as her hair is nearly pulled out by the roots. Both women latch onto the other's breasts to cause maximum damage but it's a double edged sword.. the more YOU crank on to them, the more the other bitch does too! ouch! More howling from both women.. Both women end up rolling around trying to scissor the other and Steele figures she's got Tiger tied up nicely but unfortunately, Tiger springs out her steely claws and scratches away at Steele's inner thigh soliciting an awfull screech from her opponent. The punches fly to the legs as Tiger pummels away at Steele. At this point, neither woman has the advantage and they simply exchange blows, trying to wear the other down while looking for an opportunity to take over the other. When the fight stalls to a near stalemate, painful as it is, Razor jumps in and yanks at their clothing to get them up to their feet and to start fresh again. Most of Tiger's gown is in shreds by now, and Steele's dress is not in much better shape..
      A quick lock up and down they go again to the floor grabbing at each other, slapping and mauling. Steele starts with the advantage but Tiger grabs her hair and causes a lot of pain. Steele manages to immobilize one of Tiger's arms but doesn't seem to be able to get anything started before Tiger is able to slap her way out of it. At this point Tiger manages to get on top of Steele and slams wide open hands across Steele's bare skin. Steele has Tiger in a painfull head lock from which Tiger escapes from by scratching the hell out of Steele's forearm. Holy croid, these gals are going all out. Tiger pulls so hard on Steele's hair that she looks to be giving her opponent a face lift.. ouch! Razor continues with her cat calls trying to get the gals to fight harder (is that even possible?!) and yanks away at their clothing to strip them down more.. Steele gets furious at her for the interference and threatens to kick her ass when she's done with Tiger. You can tell by the looks on both women's faces how much effort they're putting into hurting their opponent and how much they are hurting in return.
      At this point of the match Steele is in a bit of trouble. You can see her struggling to fend off Tiger's attacks and resorts to cross arm chokes and pins. Steele is a muscled gal and she applies a lot of force onto Tiger to try and wear her down. At this point, Steele is pretty well without her dress and has a lot of slappable skin exposed to which Tiger wails away at.. but Tiger's large wedding gown, though shredded, still covers a lot of her skin, saving her from Steele's stinging slaps. That is until Steele manages to get the damn thing off and starts to flail away at the now fully exposed Tiger skin! youch! Razor reaches in again and tries to pull away some more clothing and wow, I honestly think that Steele almost lost the bubble on Razor's meddling.. The look in Steele's eyes were well, for real. Awesome, I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of anything she's got to hand out with THAT look. Nonetheless, it would appear that Steele is sensing she's got a rough ride ahead of her and she needs to put Tiger away and put her away fast! She starts using her forearms to crush into Tiger's soft flesh of the neck and digs her elbows into Tiger's ribs with her full weight behind her. Steele is out for blood, she's pissed and she's tired. A bad combo for anyone on the receiving end! You can tell by the pained look on Tiger's face that Steele's tactics are having their effects on her.. just gotta find the sensitive areas and press hard with the elbows, all the while slapping away, pulling at hair and mauling away at tender breasts. These women are wild! Poor Steele has a purple hand print welt on her left butt cheek. Tiger's dark skin hides any damages inflicted by Steele, but you know it's there, and it all hurts!
      One of the funnier comments of the match is when Steele grabs the left overs of Tiger's gown and threatens to "shove it down your throat and pull it out of your ass!" as she tries to smother Tiger with it. Throughout the whole match, the verbal repartee is top notch. Not only do these women hit hard, they slam each other with the most nasty verbal attacks. Awesome combination. At one point Steele is caught in Tiger's body scissors and tries to stand up to drop her opponent on her back to make her release the hold, but Tiger is quick and latches on to Steele's hair and pulls down with all her weight. Steele counters and a great nerve pinch to the neck, single handed and Tiger howls in pain. How's THAT for a Steele Grip! Wow. Tiger's grimace of pain tells it all. With Tiger on her back and Steele caught in a body scissors above her, Tiger has her opponent by the hair and ain't letting go. Steele demands that Tiger lets go now, to which Tiger replies "make me, whore". Its then that we notice that Steele has Tiger's nipple firmly in hand and pinching the dark colour right out of it.. geesus! But Tiger doesn't release the hold until she senses Steele's hand coming up to give her the nerve pinch again. I guess it hurt so bad the first time, it was enough once! Rolling over, we now find Tiger on top of Steele, struggling for the advantage but she quickly loses it as Steele rolls her off and the positions are reversed. Back and force they trade off brutal blows and nipple crushing breast mauls. And we're barely half way through the match!
      I'm going to leave the match here as it's truely one of their better videos to date. I'm not giving it all away just like that! You have got to see this fight for yourself! I'm completely impressed and want to see a rematch!What I can tell you is that the ending IS decisive and someone gives up. The intensity of the match is stepped up quite a few notches I believe only because Steele suddenly found herself in a fight for her life against Tiger. Not that she underestimated Tiger at all or anything, but that it was more demanding than she anticipated. So as soon as one fighters steps it up a notch, the other has no choice but to follow through with a tit for tat approach to the fight. You hurt me THIS much, I'll hurt you THAT much. It's evident throughout this match that both women put forth their all in this video and some raw emotions came out. Steele demonstrated some new holds and moves not seen before that worked VERY well in her favour, much to Tiger's chagrin. Using the elbows and knees to crunch down on ribs and biceps quickly weakens your opponent's ability to make much of an offense. Give it to Tiger though, her new trimmed down size most likely gave her more energy to last through the match that long. She can take a lot of punishment and she can give it well too. It's a good thing someone called "I Give" later in the match, the ferocity was stepped up a lot compared to previous matches. If you're a TanyaKicks fan and have seen their work before, you'll be super impressed how hard these ladies work to try to take the win. As with all TanyaKicks matches, the post fight chat with Tanya and the combatants gives you a bit of an insight to what happened during the match. Face it, if you're a woman getting into some catfight matches, you can learn a lot from these videos.

      The video production work is scaled way up on this video I am pleased to see. Great colour and clarity and it's even offered on DVD (I ordered the DVD version to check it out and it's way cool). Razor is new to the crew and it shows, she needs more practice and experience in front of a camera to let her natural side show. The save of her performance was the moment when Steele looked at Razor and it seemed like she really wanted to pause the fight for a second and kick the living shit out of Razor for meddling into the match by trying to rip the clothing away from the fighters. I kid you not. It was that priceless. You can't fake THAT look! I would love to see Razor in a future match up, hopefully against Steele and be shown why you don't mess with the Steele Rose!

      Yes, folks, a 10 STAR rating goes to this catfght video! They keep getting better and they won't disapoint you. Is it real catfighting? You betcha! Is it really THAT good? You betcha!

      Check these pics out!

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